Teething complaints - causes, symptoms & treatment


From the age of six to nine months, a baby begins to teething when the first milk teeth come through the gums. All complaints that arise in connection with this development are called irrespective of their severity Zahnungsprobleme respectively. teething.

Table of Contents

What are teething problems in babies and toddlers?

All complaints related to tooth eruption are included in the term teething summarized and can be considered normal.

If teething does not occur in the normal time frame, beginning in the sixth to ninth months of life, the tooth eruption deviates from the usual pattern. After first breaking through the incisors, then the molars and later the canines, or if the milk dentition is not fully developed at the age of three, there is a not uncommon and at first not very worrying teething problem. One speaks of delayed or premature teething.

Christina Cherry

Toothache: causes, home remedies and sos tips

Toothache: causes, home remedies and SOS tips

Toothache is extremely uncomfortable and tooth sensitivity is the main reason why many people are reluctant to go to the dentist.

Toothache: main causes

Not every toothache is the same. The cause can already be narrowed down by describing the pain. Basically, anyone suffering from a toothache should see a dentist immediately to get professional treatment. The causes of toothache vary widely from case to case but are always serious.

Toothache can be divided into certain categories with typical therapeutic approaches:

Toothache from tooth decay

Root cause: Inadequate oral hygiene and improper nutrition promote the disease. In particular, neglecting the interdental spaces provides the bacteria with a target. Sugar as an energy source promotes its spread.

Christina Cherry

Toothache - causes and treatment at a glance

Immediate help for toothache

What can I do about toothache and how can I alleviate it??

Toothache usually occurs when you need it the least: just before a vacation, at the weekend or during an exam. This is of course a coincidence. The symptoms do not always come from the teeth.

The roots of the teeth in the upper jaw have a connection to the maxillary sinuses, so that sensitive people can feel a feeling of pressure on their teeth even with a slight cold. If the cold, runny nose, ear infections and similar diseases that manifest in the head area are cured, the pain also disappears. For more information on how to counter toothache, read the menu item toothache treatment.

Christina Cherry


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For toothache is usually one damaged or sick tooth responsible. In rare cases, however, can also Diseases in the upper or lower jaw, in the neighboring area of ​​the head, the paranasal sinuses or the eyes can be the cause of toothache. Painful teeth can also very rarely Harbingers of a heart attack his. Therefore, toothache should not be taken lightly, but should be examined and treated professionally by a dentist.

Overview of this article

What are toothache?

Toothache can in many different forms and types occur. The most common is short, pulling and stinging pain when eating cold or warm food or beverages. The pain stimulus is uncomfortable at first, but evaporates as quickly as it came. 90% of Germans suffer from this type of toothache, which is often ignored lightly or even completely, since there is no recognizable disease or inflammation in the oral cavity for the naked eye.

Christina Cherry

Grinding of teeth: causes, consequences, treatment »cmd doctor search

Gnashing of teeth (bruxism)

Grinding your teeth is an unpleasant and unhealthy habit. The reasons for this are very diverse and have not yet been fully researched. The most common is gnashing of teeth at night, but some people do it subconsciously during the day. Teeth grinding is very common in children and toddlers.

What happens when you grind your teeth and how it happens?

When grinding your teeth, those affected usually subconsciously rub or clench their teeth or rub them against each other, causing long-term damage to the tooth structure. They often do it in their sleep when consciousness is completely switched off or when there is strong mental and emotional tension.

Christina Cherry

What causes black gums?

Gum color varies from person to person. Black gums and other changes in gum color can be caused by a medical condition, medication, smoking, or other lifestyle factors.

The gums are hard tissue that surrounds and holds the teeth. They can range in color from red or pink to brown or black.

Good oral health is essential for overall well-being. Changes in gum color can indicate an underlying health problem, so a person should speak to a doctor to determine the cause.

Causes of black gums

There are a number of conditions that can lead to black gums, including:

Christina Cherry

Causes of longitudinal fractures: endodontics dr

What are the reasons for longitudinal root fractures??

There are two complexes of risk factors:

1. Risk factors that can be controlled by dentists

Risk factors for longitudinal fractures that can generally be controlled by dentists concern fillings, crowns and dentures.

  • Tooth loss without dentures because the remaining teeth are subjected to higher loads,
  • not exactly adjusted occlusal surfaces on fillings, crowns and dentures
  • improper exposure to dentures
  • super hard functional surfaces made of ceramic or non-precious metal on dentures

Longitudinal root fractures were preceded by root canal treatment in around 90% of cases. Risk factors for root canal treatments and the subsequent treatment of root canal teeth:
(according to Tang W, et al as before)

  • unnecessary loss of substance and weakening of the tooth when opening the canal access.
  • inadequate exploration of the fine structures of the channel anatomy.
  • Ignorance, negligence and haste when preparing the root canal (type of instrument, degree of wear and tear of instruments, exact determination of the preparation length, precision and caution when guiding the instruments, avoiding unnecessary pressure on the canal wall, inadequate removal of drilling chips during preparation and much more.).
  • Collateral damage when flushing the root canal.
  • Collateral damage during root filling.
  • Tilting and jamming of all kinds of instruments in the root canal
  • many criteria for the selection of pens.
  • Precision and dimension of the pen preparation.
  • Material selection and procedure for gluing or cementing root posts.
  • Planning and precision of the implementation of abutments (anchoring, resilience, bond with the tooth structure).
  • insufficient coverage of the fragile root by the artificial crown.
  • Missing a necessary crown extension.
  • Failure to protect the tooth at risk of breakage in time with a crown.
  • inadequate static and caudal dynamic planning of the crown preparation.
  • lack of accuracy of fit of the crown on the edge and on the occlusal surface.
  • insufficient cleanliness, tightness and stability of the cementation.

2. Despite all care, uncontrollable risk factors remain:

  • Regionally different chewing and eating habits
  • Grinding teeth and clenching
  • accidents

How stable is a tooth after root canal treatment??

The stability depends on the size of the defect and the type of care after root canal treatment. Stress tests on removed teeth give the following values ​​- provided that they are handled properly.

Christina Cherry

Chills without a fever – why?

Febris Undularis is the technical term for the classic chills. Chills without other symptoms such as fever can still be a harbinger of a cold. Chills and sweating can also mean that the cold is already a prerequisite or is slowly becoming noticeable. Therefore, chills without fever can also be explained with harmless causes, but can also be mentioned as a harbinger of colds, so you should look at what causes are, which therapy or possible treatment is recommended. After all, you probably don’t like chills and just don’t want to get a cold.

Christina Cherry

Teeth sensitive to pain

Hanna Rutkowski is a freelance writer for the NetDoktor medical editorial team.

Teeth sensitive to pain (Dentin hypersensitivity) are not uncommon. Who doesn’t know the pain-eating face when eating ice cream? More than half of German adults suffer from sensitive teeth. Hot or cold, sweet and sour trigger the unpleasant flash of pain caused by exposed tooth necks. Dental diseases are rarely the cause of teeth that are sensitive to pain, mostly the wrong tooth brushing technique is to blame. We’ll tell you what helps against the sensitive teeth.

Christina Cherry

Irritating cough (dry cough) - causes, symptoms & treatment

Cough (dry cough)

The cough In contrast to normal wet cough, it usually occurs without expectoration (coughing mucus) and is therefore also considered a so-called "dry cough". The frequent coughing fits sound barking and hard. The dry, irritating cough usually occurs at the beginning of a cold, but then changes over the course to a normal cough with expectoration. But even with various lung diseases, the irritating cough can cause symptoms as a symptom.

Table of Contents

What is irritable cough (dry cough)?

As cough becomes a dry cough labeled without ejection. It is characteristic of many different diseases and can also occur as a side effect of drug treatment. The severity of the irritating cough varies: some affected patients only cough and have no pain, while others cough day and night and therefore not only have difficulty breathing, but also sleep disorders.

Christina Cherry