Attractions for the whole family

There is a lot to see in Hamburg. But not every attraction inspires children and parents alike. presents you with a selection of places of interest where all family members come into their own.

Attractions for the whole family

miniature wonderland

Kehrwieder 2, 20457 Hamburg
HVV: U3 stop at Bäumenall

Opening hours:
Mon to Fri from 9:30 a.m., Sat and Sun from 8:00 a.m.
The length of the opening times varies. You can find the exact opening times for your visit day under Miniatur Wunderland. The Miniature Wonderland is open longer on more than half of the days in the year, sometimes even shorter in a few days. Regular opening hours 365 days a year
Prices: adults 15 euros, children up to 15 years 7.50 euros. (Address details)

Christina Cherry