Hamburg with children: set off!

Hamburg with children: Cast off!

Hamburg with children: Spending a short vacation with children in Hamburg is spoiled for choice. The port city really has a lot to offer and there should be something for every taste and age group. We only give a few examples here, but you can always search for additional excursion tips with children in Hamburg using the postcode search.

Anyone visiting Hamburg with children can choose from a large number of events

Hamburg with children: all wood or something?

For nature lovers there is a special excursion destination in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, namely the Wälderhaus Hamburg. Here the topic of calf and sustainability comes into focus. The whole house is made of solid wood. Children who live in the big city in particular should be introduced to an important topic here. The children go on a search on two floors and find a lot of stations where questions about the forest can be answered. Admission is free, by the way, also an argument for families who have to look at the money on a family trip to Hamburg. You can also get more information on a family cult tour.

Christina Cherry