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Fever lyrics

Songs with fever lyrics all the songs about fever. Get a list of all the new and old songs with lyrics of fever directly from our search engine and listen them online.


Fever – Bernhard Brink Play

. just don’t get up, I’m afraid you’ll run away from me. There is a fever, that burns, rock that shatters, fever, that burns, game you win. No fever, that banishes me like you, oh, not one is like you.

Fever – Christina Stürmer

. Big Happens The mood is at boiling point The thermometer explodes We have fever come over fever with 100,000 episodes every step of the way We have fever Come on in. We experience emotions and take off because we are .

Christina Cherry

Flu and fever: what is it and how can I fight it??

As soon as an "R" appears in the month’s name again, the frequency of flu diseases increases. Your child is also particularly vulnerable during this time. While flu is similar to a cold, it is a respiratory infection, but the symptoms differ significantly. In this article, we discuss the difference between flu and cold and how you can help your child with flu. We also go into how to treat a child with a fever.

What exactly is flu?

The flu and cold are often mentioned in the same breath. From a medical point of view, the flu can definitely be distinguished from the common cold. It is triggered by the influenza virus and occurs more frequently in autumn and spring. There are different types of this type of virus, which can cause different clinical pictures. As with a harmless cold, the infection occurs through the inhalation of air contaminated with viruses or through physical contact with people and surfaces that carry viruses.

Christina Cherry

Fever table: When is it fever??

Anna Beutel lives in Cologne and has worked as an editor at NetMoms since 2016. As a journalist, it is her concern to provide mothers and families with all the information that is relevant to them – in detail and with a lot of heart. Because as the mother of a primary school child and part of a patchwork family, you get to know the emotional aspects of family life up close, with all its ups and downs. For relaxation, Anna prefers to read a book or watch series, either yoga or bouldering with friends.

Christina Cherry

Measuring fever in the buttocks, even at 16?

Does fever measurement in the butt still make sense at 16? I am currently ill, my stepmother thinks she will measure me in the butt if the fever does not go away quickly, so far I have measured under the armpit.

How should I measure, is better in the bottom than under the armpit, can you measure it yourself or must it be done?

5 answers

Has its justification from a medical and health perspective

If you do it correctly or have it measured correctly, it is not uncomfortable. It is best to immerse the measuring tip in a little petroleum jelly or cooking oil so that it is easier to insert. So I was measured up to about 13 or 14 years. After that I had to measure myself and I still do it this way. At your age, you should definitely be allowed to do it yourself and decide how and where you measure!

Christina Cherry

Fever: what helps your child now - baby and family

Fever: what helps your child now

Children often suffer from febrile infections. When to treat fever and what medications help

Hot forehead? Our experts explain what you should do if your toddler has a fever

It feels like it always comes together at the weekend or in the middle of the night, or both. Fever. And with every tenth of a degree that the thermometer shows more, the child often becomes flabby and we parents become more restless. This information now helps:

Nothing bad in itself! Because fever is not a disease, it shows that the immune system works. So it’s a warning sign of illness – most common in childhood for infection with viruses or bacteria. Fever means that the body temperature rises – to over 38 degrees.

Christina Cherry

Fever and sore throat: where to go with the sick child

Fever and sore throat: where to go with the sick child?

The child suddenly becomes ill, the work is waiting: Caring for acutely ill children is often a challenge for working parents. Those who cannot stay at home are often dependent on outside help.

"Polizai" Nils wrote on a piece of paper and hung on the door of his room. Inside, however, he does not play the police, but continues to build on his Playmobil plane. Nils has been sick for a few days, a cold with a cough, and the woman who is building the colorful carpet on the plane with him is not his mother, but the mobile supervisor Ivana Pickl, who looks after the five-year-old during the day. as long as his mother is at work.

Christina Cherry

Fever and fever level in children and babies

Fever in children

Fever reduction yes or no

Fever itself is not a disease

but the oldest defense mechanism of humanity and the necessary reaction of the body to pathogens.
The temperature increase in particular accelerates the functions of the immune system – a prerequisite for winning the fight against bacteria and viruses. The fever optimum for the immune system is 39 to 40 ° C. (The fever optimum is the body temperature at which the immune system achieves its highest performance.) It can often be observed how shortly after the administration of a fever-lowering medication, e.g. a fever suppository that raises the fever back to its original value. In this case, lowering the fever is a burden on the body, since additional energy has to be used to restore the necessary body temperature.

Christina Cherry

Fever and diarrhea

What is fever and diarrhea??

If diarrhea and fever occur together, it is usually an infectious disease. Infectious diarrheal diseases can manifest themselves in watery, mushy or bloody stools and are accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. Infectious diseases with diarrhea and fever are often self-limiting. This means that they often stop on their own after a few days without special treatment.
In older and immunocompromised people, however, such a disease can last longer and be complicated. Bacteria such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella or Clostridium difficile are often responsible. In addition, viruses such as rota or noroviruses and parasites such as amoebas and lamblias can be considered as the cause of a febrile diarrhea.

Christina Cherry

Fever of unknown cause (fuo) - fever - diseases - internists on the net

Unknown fever (FUO)

Fever may appear as part of a harmless common cold or may be a sign of a serious illness. In some cases, the doctor cannot determine a cause of the fever despite a thorough examination. In the case of fever with no apparent cause of more than 3 weeks in duration with temperatures above 38.3 ° C and unsuccessful standard tests, one speaks in technical terms what is known as “fever of unknown cause" ("Fever of unknown origin", FUO).

Physicians distinguish 4 types of fever of unknown cause:

Christina Cherry

Fever with discomfort on muscles, bones, joints and skin

Fever with discomfort in muscles, bones, joints and skin

Related complaints

The normal core body temperature in humans is around 37 degrees Celsius, one speaks of fever from a rectally (in the anus) measured temperature of over 38.0 degrees Celsius, between 37.5 and 38 degrees Celsius one speaks of increased or subfebrile temperature. If the temperature is measured under the armpit, 37.6 degrees Celsius is considered a fever.

In women, the body temperature also fluctuates by up to 0.5 degrees Celsius over the course of the cycle. It is highest in the days shortly after ovulation.

Christina Cherry