Childhood nutrition

Introducing children to a wholesome and needs-based diet is certainly of great concern to all parents, because the diet influences health and well-being to a great extent. In the following article you will find recommendations for food selection for children of kindergarten and school age. The explanations are based on the current recommendations of the German Research Institute for Child Nutrition and the German Society for Nutrition.

The “optimized mixed food” – the basis of a child-friendly diet

A child-friendly diet meets the following requirements:

  • It provides sufficient nutrients, i.e. H. it is full.
  • The energy content is adapted to the child’s needs.
  • It takes into account foods that children particularly like.
  • It can be implemented without great expenditure of time and money.
  • It allows small “extras” like cakes or sweets.

In order to meet these requirements, the German Research Institute for Child Nutrition in Dortmund has developed the so-called “optimized mixed food”, in which all these aspects are taken into account. The optimized mixed food is based on the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society. It covers nutrient and energy needs and prevents nutritional diseases. Additional nutrient-enriched foods or vitamin preparations are not necessary. This diet is ideal for the whole family, because in principle these nutritional rules apply to all ages.

Christina Cherry