Dental treatment of the future: where is the journey going?

Dental treatment of the future: where is the journey going??

Until the 19th century, dentistry was not even considered to be a fully-fledged branch of human medicine. Bathers and barbers dealt with the treatment of diseased teeth. Since then, immense scientific and therapeutic advances have been made in this area: local anesthesia, dental implants, prophylaxis and the pain-free and, as a result, even aesthetic treatment of caries have become everyday life for us today. But what can we expect in the future? Teeth from stem cells, vaccination against tooth decay and dental treatment robots – nothing is impossible. All over the world, research is being carried out on new treatment methods.

Christina Cherry

radioMikro is there where something is going on!


to the audio radioMikro broadcast from January 6th, 2020

radioMicro recording from January 6th, 2019 with an episode of Jeremias Schrumpelhut "From a nightly ghost hunt" and a series of master Eder and his pumuckl "The sprained thumb". [more – to the audio: radioMikro – broadcast from 06.01.2020]


Christina Cherry

Fear of going to school – what to do?

Headache, nausea, aggressiveness. These symptoms occur when the alarm clock rings in the morning? School fear is not uncommon. Read here what you can do if your child is afraid to go to school – for more joy in learning.

Many children are afraid to go to school. | © .com / bmcent1

Everyone knows it: the tingling in the stomach when the next math work or vocabulary query is due. This feeling is completely normal. Even more: it even benefits us. Because excitement promotes concentration. But sometimes these uncomfortable feelings expand into a disorder that can severely affect children’s everyday life.

Christina Cherry