What grants do the health insurance companies pay for professional teeth cleaning?

The essentials in brief:

  • The grants are voluntary benefits provided by the health insurers and are therefore not the same everywhere.
  • Some of these offers are part of an optional tariff or selective contract. This can be associated with a change of dentist.
  • Statutory health insurance benefits are tartar removal once a year.

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What grants are there??

It is very different. Many statutory health insurance companies offer grants, but the amount and conditions vary. Grants of between 25 and 100 euros per tooth cleaning are possible. In some cases, health insurance companies also cover the full cost. However, this is subject to certain conditions, for example, it can only apply to tooth cleaning at certain dentists, for example from a network that cooperates with the health insurance fund. In some cases, the assumption of costs (in whole or in part) is limited to professional teeth cleaning per year.

Christina Cherry