How to get rid of a migraine: a step-by-step guide

&# 128138; How to get rid of a migraine: a step-by-step guide – 2020

A migraine is much more than a typical headache. It can lead to extreme pain, nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. The throbbing pain can quickly ruin your day and interfere with your life.

But you don’t have to sit back and wait for a migraine to end. As long as you know how to deal with it, you can tackle it from all sides and return to your everyday life.

Follow these simple steps and you will be ready the next time a migraine occurs.

Step 1: have a treatment plan

A solid plan can give you the strength to relieve a migraine headache before the pain gets severe. This could be the primary weapon against future migraine attacks.

Christina Cherry

"Childproof on all devices" – A guide for parents

Smartphones and tablets are practical, but also unsafe. IT expert Marco Peters explains which software and setting options the various operating systems offer in terms of parental controls.

With our guide you make all your devices childproof © vejaa \

1. Childproof Kindle

The Kindle Fire is probably the best device for small children, who are not yet surfing the internet. Not only is it very handy and light, it also has a variety of practical security settings. Parents can use the Kindle FreeTime function to set up a separate user for each of their children and the Limit use of apps for all users. After a Kindle FreeTime account has been activated, parents can in the Settings for the family library select the apps, that may be used.

Christina Cherry

No more fear of fear – a guide for relatives

Fear is a very useful, normal emotion. However, it can sometimes be a problem for people. What can you do if a family member has leukemia? > Scientific supervision: Prof. Dr. Matthias J. Wieser

  • Fear is basically a positive thing, but it can become a problem for some people. In this case there may be an anxiety disorder.
  • Panic disorders (with or without agoraphobia), social phobias, generalized anxiety disorders and specific phobias are classically classed as anxiety disorders. While everyone expresses themselves in different ways, they all have in common that they lead to a great reduction in the quality of life and can be extremely stressful for both those affected and their relatives.
  • Affected people are often ashamed of their illness and often hesitate for years before seeking professional help. It is therefore important that they receive the necessary support from relatives and friends. A conversation with a family doctor or psychotherapist can often provide initial relief.
  • Anxiety disorders can be treated effectively with medication and psychotherapy. It is important to get involved in the therapy and not expect any immediate miracles.
  • Anxiety disorders are often associated with great psychosocial stress for both those affected and their relatives. With all care for your relatives, take care of yourself and seek help from an expert if necessary.
  • Do not stop your life due to the illnesses of your loved one. Keep active, meet friends and pursue your hobbies. What is good for you is also good for your loved one.

Ms. G. works in a medium-sized company, where she is responsible for around 30 employees. Her work is often hectic and stressful, she rarely comes to lunch. She was always energized at work and it was also increasingly difficult for her to switch off at home. In the end, this was also noticed by her family. One day Mrs. G. noticed that her heart was beating very fast, that she was trembling and that she was sick. Initially, these attacks only happened every few weeks and stopped after 10 to 15 minutes. Then they started to pile up; Almost daily, Ms. G. experienced panicky anxiety that was so severe that she often went black. She could only leave the house with great discomfort, and there was no longer any thought of work.

Christina Cherry

Fever – a guide for parents of babies

In this article

What your baby needs

My baby has a high temperature. Should I be worried?

At what temperature does my baby have a fever?

Why do people get a fever??

Fever is a way for the body to cope with infections. Macrophages, the police officers in the body, are constantly on patrol. If they discover something that does not belong in the body (such as bacteria, viruses or a fungus), they fight the intruder as best they can. At the same time, they call for help and signal the brain to regulate the body temperature upwards. Because bacteria and viruses are thermolabile, the heat can kill them.

In addition, the body’s alarm signal appears to stimulate the production of white blood cells and other chemical substances that the body needs to fight the foreign bodies.

Christina Cherry

Elevated temperature: definition, causes and help

Fever and high temperature – that’s the same thing, isn’t it? No it is not. We’ll tell you when doctors talk about an elevated temperature, what the causes can be, and why drinking a lot is one of the possible home remedies for treating this symptom.

When do you start to have an elevated temperature??

First of all, you should know that an elevated temperature is different from fever. But when exactly do you have an elevated temperature? By definition at a core body temperature between 37.5 to 38 degrees Celsius. 1

This is what doctors call the elevated temperature

Normally, as an adult, you have a core body temperature – the temperature inside the chest, head and abdomen – of 37 degrees Celsius. 1 Various causes, such as a cold, can lead to an increase in the core body temperature. This heating up of your organism sometimes leads to the symptom fever. But from when do experts speak of fever and no longer of an elevated temperature? Usually when the body temperature is above 38 degrees Celsius – So from a value of 38.1 degrees Celsius. 1

Christina Cherry