Help for children and adolescents with disabilities

Help for children and young people with disabilities

Social Pediatric Centers / Children’s and Adolescent Outpatient Clinics (SPZ)

Social pediatric centers / outpatient clinics for children and adolescents work close to home and can be found at various locations in Berlin. They are operated by independent organizations.

Social pediatric centers work with children of all ages who have developmental disorders or who are at risk of or with existing disabilities. This can include cerebral movement disorders, multiple disabilities, intellectual disabilities, genetic or neurological disorders, perceptual disorders, speech disorders, emotional disorders, etc. his.

Christina Cherry

Fever, fever phases and 7 measures that help against it

Fever, fever phases and 7 measures that help against it

Fever and episodes of fever
Fever is a condition in our society that almost everyone has experienced. Despite its popularity, it is becoming increasingly common to see people wanting to get back on their feet as quickly as possible. It is not rested and not always done what is necessary.

In this post I want to show you what fever really means, what it triggers in our body and what measures are important in the fever phases.

Fever development and meaning
Fever is a reaction of the body to (mainly) infectious diseases, but also to tumor or autoimmune diseases, large injuries, wounds and toxic substances.
The control center of thermoregulation (the hypothalamus, part of the brain) stimulates body temperature to boost the immune system, because the cells of the immune system work faster at higher temperatures. The increased temperature also weakens the growth of pathogens. Fever is therefore not only a warning signal, but also a protective mechanism, which is why you should only intervene when it loads the body. The higher the temperature, the more oxygen and energy is consumed. The first symptoms of weakness occur between 38 ° C and 38.2 ° C (in adults) depending on the character.

Christina Cherry

High temperature

The body temperature, as the name suggests, is the temperature of a human or animal body. Normally, this should be between 35.8 ° C and 37.2 ° C in humans. But what if the body temperature is higher? What causes this and how is it high temperature to treat? These questions are answered below.

Table of Contents

What is elevated temperature?

First of all, it has to be defined when a person suffers from elevated temperature and when it begins to develop into fever. One speaks of an elevated temperature if the body temperature has not yet exceeded 38.0 ° C.

Christina Cherry

The need to help others – top 10 social professions

Human interaction, social interactions and helping others are characteristics that many people are based on – regardless of whether you just like to talk to other people and prefer to spend hours or even actively help other people, simply because you like to do it , There are also people who do not feel comfortable in typical office jobs and prefer active and dynamic work.

You have probably already considered yourself a profession in the field of social work. If not, maybe now is the time to think about it. Working with people has many areas and can go in different directions. On the one hand, you should consider what kind of person you want to occupy yourself with, what age group or what type of person. On the other hand, it is important to know what exactly you want to achieve, i.e. in which direction social work should go.
In order to give you a better overview of the job opportunities, we present here a top 10 list of suitable jobs for working with people.

Christina Cherry

Professions where you can help people? (Medicine, profession, doctor)

Professions where you can help people?

I’ve been thinking about what I want to do for a long time. I wanted to be a doctor first, but then I got more information and I don’t know if I could do it. I also want to start a family later, and as a doctor in a hospital that would be difficult to regulate.

What other jobs are there where you can help??

5 answers

Take up a nursing profession. Elderly care would also be an alternative.

There are many professions where you can help other people. You don’t necessarily have to be a doctor – the nursing staff – if we stay in the nursing and rehabilitation area – such as Nurses, nurses, physiotherapists are just as important.

Christina Cherry

Advice and help for men with separation, divorce

1. Professional help for men

1.1. A guide only for men?, MSI for short, is – as the name suggests – made as a guide for men, fathers, big and small boys.
We have chosen to address by "You" decided – not out of disrespect, but because we strive for a very trusting cooperation.
Women are only tolerated here. However, we are delighted if you look around as part of your natural curiosity so that you can pass on the information as a tip to affected men.

1.2. Dispute with the partner about wealth, children and maintenance

In Germany alone, more than 150,000 marriages are divorced.
The numbers in Austria and Switzerland are no less worrying.
Statistically speaking, it is every marriage divorced after 16 years. There are also multiple separations between unmarried couples.
However, MSI is not just about men who have quarrels in their relationship. And with that we are more than just another "divorce counselors".
Single men are also fundamentally threatened by this topic and can benefit from our experience in terms of preparation for life or a future partnership.

Christina Cherry

Broken tooth

On broken tooth arises from external action on the tooth structure, which breaks as a result. In many cases, a dentist can treat such tooth fractures by reconstructing the tooth. Treatment varies depending on the type of fracture.

Table of Contents

What is a broken tooth?

A broken tooth is a fracture, chipping, splitting or cracking of a tooth (infracture). A knock, blow, bite on something hard, accident or deliberate pressure on the tooth by instruments during tooth extraction are triggers of the so-called tooth fracture.

Broken teeth occur both with milk teeth and with permanent teeth. The affected person perceives the tooth fracture due to pain or injuries in the oral cavity. Injuries result from the sharp edges of the broken tooth.

Christina Cherry

13 home remedies for toothache that help

December 12, 2015

Updated on: July 1, 2019

Everyone has had a toothache before. If problems with the Zoccur, the pain is often unbearabledaily intervals. A quick visit to the dentist is therefore inevitable >13 home remedies for toothache that can relieve pain until you visit the dentist.

How it comes to toothache?

Toothache generally occurs due to dental diseases. They are often a result of tooth decay. In many cases, a helps to prevent toothache proper oral care with regularmoderate toothmedical checks.

However, there are also many toothaches that occur spontaneously and can be very painful. These include in particular FlamOpenings of the gums, the enamel and the tooth root. A trip to the dentist is in these Fall necessaryänglich. Because without competent dental treatment, it is not only the pain that occurs again and again. Likewise, yourself Flamalso on other parts of the Kbody stretch and weaken them accordingly.

Christina Cherry

10 stretching exercises you can do at home that will help you burn fat

Flexibility exercises are really great! They improve blood circulation, reduce stress, improve metabolism and even help you build muscle. Some yoga poses and stretching can really help you burn fat. The best thing about these exercises is that you can do them comfortably from home!

Here are the 10 best stretching exercises that will help you burn fat:

1. The cobra

Lie on your mat with your arms outstretched. The feet should be together. Lift your torso up and lean your neck back. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

Christina Cherry