Treatment – what helps against toothache?

Pain relievers are not a permanent solution

Anyone suffering from a toothache quickly and thoughtlessly takes painkillers. Toothache can be very severe and excruciating. Painkillers and home remedies of any kind only serve as a bridge until a possible visit to the dentist. The cause of toothache is not eliminated by medication. Only the pain receptors are briefly anesthetized.

Severe toothache requires a visit to the doctor. Pain relievers are not a permanent solution.

Teeth severely affected by caries, inflamed tooth roots and abscesses can attack and damage the jawbone and even cause heart problems. It is not for nothing that internists demand that, for example, diseased teeth should be restored before heart surgery. The risk of coronary artery disease from germs entering the bloodstream from inflammation in the jaw area is too great. However, postoperative pain and chronic toothache are not uncommon. These need to be addressed. We give you an answer to the question: Toothache – what to do?

Christina Cherry

What helps with toothache? Home remedies, medication, or emergency services?

They often come when you don’t count on them and can have a serious impact on the quality of life: toothache. The causes of pain in the mouth and teeth can vary widely, and there are a variety of ways to deal with toothache. Starting with home remedies that have been known and proven for generations, to painkillers from the pharmacy, which should at least dampen the often very dominant toothache. And of course a visit to the dentist, which is particularly advisable for long-lasting or particularly intense pain.

Christina Cherry

Separation of parents: this helps the child

When separated, parents are often very busy with themselves. But be careful: your child now needs them more than before. How to help your little one through difficult times

When parents stay in conversation with their little one, they find out what is troubling them

Those who separate usually change their everyday lives radically. Family celebrations, holidays, even meals at home will be different in the future. No one with whom you share experiences and worries every day. Nobody to make life’s big and small decisions with. Future plans need to be revised, shared dreams rejected and finances often reorganized. And then there are feelings like disappointment or self-doubt. It’s no wonder that many of them can’t get a clear idea at first. But what if you have children?

Christina Cherry

Trouble at the dentist – who can help?

Treatment at the dentist is not always without problems. Dissatisfaction with dentures or fillings, refusal to pay cash or overpriced bills are among the daily annoyances of patients.

Patient advice centers of the consumer centers

In many federal states, consumer advice centers offer personal advice on health issues at their advice centers. Anyone who has questions about their rights as a patient or who has failed to apply to the health insurer for costs can get advice from specially trained employees or fee lawyers.

In Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein, the consumer centers offer special dental advice such as: B. on the subject of dentures. This is done in cooperation with dentists from the dental associations and the dental associations.

Christina Cherry

Earache in children: causes and treatment

Earache in children – sometimes difficult to diagnose, after all, the little ones often cannot tell us themselves if they are in pain and if so, what exactly hurts them. There are many causes for the sometimes very unpleasant ear pain: from the peanut that was put in the ear, to an ear infection to ear pain after drafts – many things are possible.

What is behind the earache in children?

Most often, earache in children is caused by an infection. But there are many other diseases that are associated with ear pain and are manifested by different signs. However, the respective symptoms do not all have to occur at the same time.

Christina Cherry
Homeopathy for toothache - what helps? The best globules!

Treat toothache homeopathically

What are toothache?

Toothache can affect anyone and is incredibly uncomfortable. The reasons for toothache can vary widely. You should therefore always take a close look and ask yourself: "Where does the toothache come from and what helps against it?". Is cold or warmth more helpful or does the pain only occur during certain movements and activities? Depending on the cause, different homeopathic medicines can combat pain and treat the cause.

Toothache can also feel very different. There may be dull and throbbing pain, such as that associated with inflammation. Or there are stinging and sudden pains that can occur in affected nerves. Perhaps it is also an undefined and difficult to localize pain, such as that which can occur with tension in the head and neck area. Other illnesses can also be the cause of the annoying pain.

Christina Cherry

Fever: what helps your child now - baby and family

Fever: what helps your child now

Children often suffer from febrile infections. When to treat fever and what medications help

Hot forehead? Our experts explain what you should do if your toddler has a fever

It feels like it always comes together at the weekend or in the middle of the night, or both. Fever. And with every tenth of a degree that the thermometer shows more, the child often becomes flabby and we parents become more restless. This information now helps:

Nothing bad in itself! Because fever is not a disease, it shows that the immune system works. So it’s a warning sign of illness – most common in childhood for infection with viruses or bacteria. Fever means that the body temperature rises – to over 38 degrees.

Christina Cherry

Clear blockages with the inner child

The inner child helps to remove blockages

The inner child: Maybe you have already dealt with this topic, maybe it is still completely new for you. Just in case here is some basic knowledge of what the inner child is.

The inner child can be viewed symbolically. According to Wikipedia, the inner child belongs to a model view of inner worlds of experience. These self-experienced emotions, memories and experiences from childhood were stored in the brain.

The inner child is also used as a form of therapy to bring unconscious, deeply buried childhood experiences to light so that they can be viewed, processed and released. The inner child contains all positive and negative experiences, the associated emotions and the resulting blockages and beliefs.

Christina Cherry

When do you have a fever? – Everything about the possible cold symptom

In addition to symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sore throat or headache, a cold can also lead to a fever. But when exactly do you have a fever? And what can you do if you have a high fever in adults or an elevated temperature?

What exactly is fever?

Fever is an increase in the temperature of your body. More specifically, the natural body core temperature – usually 37 degrees Celsius – is exceeded. 1 However, you should not confuse fever with an independent illness. For the simple reason that fever is much more common in adults symptom such as a cough or sore throat, which can be triggered by various illnesses such as a cold.

Christina Cherry