Toothache: causes, home remedies and sos tips

Toothache: causes, home remedies and SOS tips

Toothache is extremely uncomfortable and tooth sensitivity is the main reason why many people are reluctant to go to the dentist.

Toothache: main causes

Not every toothache is the same. The cause can already be narrowed down by describing the pain. Basically, anyone suffering from a toothache should see a dentist immediately to get professional treatment. The causes of toothache vary widely from case to case but are always serious.

Toothache can be divided into certain categories with typical therapeutic approaches:

Toothache from tooth decay

Root cause: Inadequate oral hygiene and improper nutrition promote the disease. In particular, neglecting the interdental spaces provides the bacteria with a target. Sugar as an energy source promotes its spread.

Christina Cherry


If you have discolored teeth and are afraid to smile? If the discoloration of the tooth enamel is superficial, the discoloration of the teeth can be reversed. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of over-the-counter tooth whiteners and home remedies and, if necessary, about their risks.


Tooth enamel is like a mirror. It reflects the light. Over time, its reflectivity decreases. Bleaching toothpaste makes the tooth surface smoother and therefore brighter.

Thus, whitening toothpaste does not change the color of the teeth. It gradually polishes its surface so that it shines.

Christina Cherry

Teeth whitening: There are these teeth whitening methods

Flawless teeth represent beauty and health. Over the years, however, discoloration on the teeth. Home remedies, tooth cleaning, whitening – we reveal simple tricks for white teeth and give an overview of professional methods for gentle teeth whitening.

Pearl white, well-groomed and radiant – this is how our teeth should be. But not everyone is born with naturally white teeth. The tooth color is genetically determined and gets darker and darker over the course of life. It is not only age that causes teeth to darken; eating foods that are rich in pigment also leads to discoloration. Red wine and cigarettes in particular, but also coffee and black tea as well as beetroot and blueberries leave yellow or brown spots. The deposits are stored in the surface of the tooth enamel and are difficult to remove. In addition, the teeth become more susceptible to discoloration as they age, as the enamel surface becomes rougher over time – pigments can penetrate more easily.

Christina Cherry

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Christina Cherry

When the father is only at home on the weekend

When the father is only at home on weekends.

Table of contents of this article:

Dad is only at home on weekends

The bag is packed and ready at the door. With the car key in hand, the father sneaks into the children’s room again and kisses each child on the forehead. It is Sunday evening, he has put the little ones into bed, now there is a long car ride ahead of him. The father of two children does his job three hundred kilometers away. Only on Friday evening will he be able to hug her personally. It is a similar experience for many fathers, whose weeks consist of five days working in another city and two days of intensive weekend with the children and their partner.
Also read: How to run one Weekend marriage preferably?

Christina Cherry

What helps with toothache? Home remedies, medication, or emergency services?

They often come when you don’t count on them and can have a serious impact on the quality of life: toothache. The causes of pain in the mouth and teeth can vary widely, and there are a variety of ways to deal with toothache. Starting with home remedies that have been known and proven for generations, to painkillers from the pharmacy, which should at least dampen the often very dominant toothache. And of course a visit to the dentist, which is particularly advisable for long-lasting or particularly intense pain.

Christina Cherry

Cough drier in a child: how to treat at home?

Dry cough in a child: treat at home?

Cough is a fairly common symptom that accompanies a cold in a child. The respiratory organs are damaged by the penetration of the virus into the child’s organism. Therefore, the baby starts tickling in the throat, a feeling of slight irritation, a natural desire for cough. The symptom cannot be ignored so as not to aggravate the problem.

When a child develops a cold, a sputum is formed in the body, which relieves the throat. After some time, when the manifestations of the disease disappear, the expectoration of the expectoration is slowed down, the larynx will dry out, which leads to a dry cough.

Christina Cherry

Dry cough (toddler)

Dry cough is a common accompanying symptom at the beginning and end of a cold or flu (influenza). Young children have a hard time falling asleep and are agitated. According to statistics, children suffer from a "banal" cold 7 to 10 times a year.

The following article describes four different home remedies that help against dry cough in toddlers.

Home remedies for dry cough in young children

If the dry cough is caused by a cold or flu (influenza), it usually takes up to 2 weeks for the cough, along with the other symptoms, to heal on its own. In exceptional cases, a dry cough may persist for up to 3 weeks after a cold. The reason for this is the tissue damage in the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract caused by the infection. Treating a flu or influenza is difficult because colds (in most cases) and influenza are viral. Therefore, the focus of treatment is often on relieving symptomatic symptoms until the body can cope with the disease on its own. Both classic medicines and home remedies are available for treating a cold or influenza. These can be used separately or in combination.

Christina Cherry

Baltic Sea apartment for the family

The entire Baltic Sea coast is lined with holiday apartments that are ideal for small and large families. Apartments offer numerous advantages for families. Because in the holiday properties traveling parents with children not only benefit from the proximity to the Baltic Sea. At the same time, family-friendly apartments are the icing on the cake of a vacation in which boys, girls, their parents or grandparents don’t have to miss anything.

A Baltic Sea vacation at your own pace

Many families in an apartment consider it an advantage not to be involved in fixed processes and times. Meal times are not determined by the hotel, but by your own family rhythm. On the contrary: you can drink and eat at any time of the day or night. But this independence – the feeling of freedom – is by no means the only plus point for family-friendly Baltic Sea holiday apartments. Numerous families see the flexibility of preparing the food themselves as a clear advantage. Each family member has their own ideas about perfect food. These wishes are of course not taken into account in hotel kitchens. Self-caterers can individually cater to the family’s culinary preferences. Nagging children about food: none!

Christina Cherry

Earache in children: causes and treatment

Earache in children – sometimes difficult to diagnose, after all, the little ones often cannot tell us themselves if they are in pain and if so, what exactly hurts them. There are many causes for the sometimes very unpleasant ear pain: from the peanut that was put in the ear, to an ear infection to ear pain after drafts – many things are possible.

What is behind the earache in children?

Most often, earache in children is caused by an infection. But there are many other diseases that are associated with ear pain and are manifested by different signs. However, the respective symptoms do not all have to occur at the same time.

Christina Cherry