Disabled children and their non-disabled siblings

Textor, M.R. 2013
Disabled children and their non-disabled siblings
https://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/fachartikel/kinder-mit-besonderen-beduerfnissen-integration-vernetzung/behinderte-kinder/2260?tmpl=component&layout = default

Disabled children and their non-disabled siblings

Martin R. Textor

Over the past few decades, more and more disabled children have been admitted to daycare centers – first and foremost in integrative kindergartens, then mostly through individual integration. With the legal right to a childcare place from the age of one, more one- and two-year-olds with disabilities will be supported in crèches in the future. In addition, more and more schoolchildren with disabilities will be looked after in childcare centers – due to the legal and political stipulations of inclusion in schools. Many disabled children will of course also attend day care centers with a wide age mix.

Christina Cherry