Sensitive teeth after filling

In some cases, patients still experience toothache after filling their teeth. Drilling out the caries and filling the tooth should ensure that the pain stops. People experience toothache for many reasons, but the transmission of pain always works the same way. A nerve is irritated and passes the pain signal on to the brain. Therefore, it may well be that the teeth react sensitively despite caries being removed. The reason is that the nerve takes time to calm down. Here you can read about the other reasons behind sensitive teeth after a tooth filling, how other readers deal with them and how the problem can be solved.

Christina Cherry

Toothache, toothache pain: hot, cold, sweet, sour

Optimal dental treatment


Article Index

Toothache when chewing

Chewing discomfort, Bite or Speak can have different causes and indicate one Damage to the teeth there or can TMJ be when Noises occur.

With masticatory will the oral cavity whole with their adjoining tissues and the TMJ referred to during the mastication functional as chewing organ are significant.

If at Chewing pain arise, this indicates that a dental bridge, tooth filling or dentures does not fit properly.

at Pain in the area muscles of mastication and TMJ stands the so-called parafunction in the foreground because parafunctions are "harmful" Secondary functions with great impact bruxism. Pain to the muscles of mastication and on the teeth by a overload arise because the overload by unconsciously applied personnel at the clenching, Rub teeth or gnashing of teeth can be very big because the Forces that work on teeth are often as big as your own body weight. Will the tooth permanently overloaded, the Die tooth, what one throbbing toothache triggers and one of you dead tooth speaks.

Christina Cherry

dental caries

Dental caries is one of the most common causes of toothache and jaw pain. If a small particle of food is deposited in the caries, it causes sharp pain.

The thick enamel and dentin form the two outer layers of a tooth.
An injury to these two layers is called "dental caries".

This lack of necessary minerals is called demineralization and occurs mainly due to the presence of acids on the teeth.

Caries occurs primarily on the molars and premolars, but is less common in the lateral incisors.
One should not forget that a sealed tooth can develop tooth decay as well as a healthy one.
A decrease in gums can expose the tooth root. Caries at this height is called root caries.

Christina Cherry

Germany’s largest doctor-patient portal

Tooth broken off but no pain – what can I do??

A piece of tooth has broken off? Do not hesitate with the treatment! (© It is an uncomfortable moment and unfortunately it always happens: A tooth breaks off. Despite the initial shock and for no apparent reason, it happens very painlessly. What to do?

What can I do if my tooth has broken off??

Those affected should not hesitate for long. If possible, pick up the broken piece and pick up the phone. You should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible and report the incident on the phone. If you still have the broken tooth, keep it in a damp environment – ideally in milk or in a saline solution. This applies if you notice the incident immediately. However, it often happens that only a small corner breaks off.

Christina Cherry

White spots in the throat

White spots in the throat are usually a symptom of a sore throat.

White spots are not dangerous, but they can cause discomfort, especially if they occur simultaneously with:

White spots on the tonsils indicate a purulent tonsillitis.
In some cases, the whitish mouth coating is uncomfortable because it is caused by bacteria that cause bad breath.

Causes of white spots in the throat

Candidiasis or thrush
One of the most common reasons for white spots in the throat is oral thrush.
This is an infection in the oral cavity caused by yeast (fungus), especially on:

Christina Cherry

wisdom tooth

The wisdom teeth or third molars (as they are often called in medicine) are the last teeth that break through the gums.
They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25, but are not yet present in children.

There are 4 wisdom teeth, two upper (one on the right and one on the left) and two lower.

Causes of a retained wisdom tooth

A retained wisdom tooth is a tooth that is unable to penetrate the gums or that only appears partially.
This usually happens when there is insufficient space for the wisdom tooth to break through.
It sticks to the tooth in front of it.
The enclosed wisdom tooth is often horizontal, but it can also stand vertically or at an angle.
Sometimes overlying gums can also cause the tooth not to appear because it sticks in the gum tissue.
Teeth can break, bend, tip, or shift when attempting to break.
Healthy and correctly positioned wisdom teeth do not cause any problems when they break through and can easily pierce the gums and fully protrude.

Christina Cherry

Black spot on the gums (pain, teeth, dentistry)

Black area on the gums

Hi there! I have a little black dot on the gums between two teeth. It hurts too. Was normal at first and then bled when I brushed my teeth. In the meantime, a small black dot has appeared. Is this just a foreign body? The tooth doesn’t only hurt the gums! Please FAST ADVICE.

5 answers

Check whether there is any food residue stuck between the teeth – The gums can catch fire in the space between the teeth, inflate and then the outer skin bursts. – Rinse with a mouthwash, possibly warm it up a little in the microwave. You have to do the rinsing with your teeth clenched so that you exert pressure that cleans the space between them – you don’t need to worry. But showing at the ZA makes sense, especially if the gums are dark red. (Healthy is pink)

Christina Cherry

Sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth cause tooth pain – causes, treatment and prophylaxis

Anyone who suffers from teeth that are sensitive to pain will feel this especially while eating and drinking. An inexperienced bite into a treat and a pulling or stinging pain chases through the tooth. Enamel defects and exposed tooth necks due to gum retraction clear the way for painful conduction. Read practical tips for everyday life and learn how your dentist can help you with the problem sensitive teeth can.

Table of Contents

That is what sensitive teeth mean

The phenomenon "sensitive teeth" is an issue in every dental practice. 40 percent of the population regularly suffer from tooth pain sensitivity. Dentists speak of hypersensitivity, the so-called dentine hypersensitivity. This sensitivity to pain to normal stimuli such as hot, cold, sweet, sour or salty is caused by damage to the tooth enamel and by exposed tooth necks.

Christina Cherry

Teeth sensitive to pain

Hanna Rutkowski is a freelance writer for the NetDoktor medical editorial team.

Teeth sensitive to pain (Dentin hypersensitivity) are not uncommon. Who doesn’t know the pain-eating face when eating ice cream? More than half of German adults suffer from sensitive teeth. Hot or cold, sweet and sour trigger the unpleasant flash of pain caused by exposed tooth necks. Dental diseases are rarely the cause of teeth that are sensitive to pain, mostly the wrong tooth brushing technique is to blame. We’ll tell you what helps against the sensitive teeth.

Christina Cherry

Caries treatment without drilling in children and pain afterwards

caries treatment

Caries, also called tooth decay, results from the destruction (decalcification) of the hard tooth substance. This destruction can be caused by certain bacteria that develop in the dental plaque. Caries is mainly caused by nutrition and the bacteria are also contagious. There are numerous caries treatments that are tailored to the individual patient. Today, dentistry is far from reaching for a drill in caries. If caries is treated in the early stages, the drill can be omitted. The caries treatment always requires prior and intensive cleaning of the affected tooth and then the tooth is filled. Today, however, dentistry also has options to do without the drill. Above all, anxiety patients benefit from this gentle method, which is usually calculated by a private doctor.

Christina Cherry