When numbers don’t make sense – child’s arithmetic

For the World Health Organization (WHO) it is a developmental disorder, for critics the reason is bad teaching. For children, it means a daily struggle. But what really helps with dyscalculia or arithmetic problems? Suggestions for parents.

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How wide are ten centimeters? How far are ten meters? For many people these questions are relatively easy to assess, but some simply cannot imagine a number. It is difficult for them to compare or classify quantities and ratios.

Others understand tasks such as 3 + 4 = 7, but then cannot remember the calculation method. And for some students, all of this comes together. Make for yourself simple arithmetic tasks an insurmountable hurdle is.

Christina Cherry

Learning deficiency in children – everything parents need to know

Every child has bad phases in school. If the problems persist in the long term, there is a need for action. Here you can find out what types and causes of learning disabilities exist.

Children with a learning disorder are not stupid! You only need other learning methods so that the school material finds its way to memory © photophonie \ fotolia.com

Your child practices and practices but still has problems writing a sentence without errors or solving math problems safely? Often these are only temporary problems, occasional tutoring can help with learning deficits.

Christina Cherry

Weak concentration in children: what parents can do?

This article is for parents who want to help their children focus better. Weakness of concentration is widespread today, not only among children. It is not uncommon for a child’s lack of concentration to become noticeable only at school.

They fidget, can not understand the learning material or remember little. They become aggressive or depressed – their lack of concentration becomes a problem.

If you really want to help your child to concentrate better, you should know what "concentration" is. The next step is to identify the cause of the lack of concentration. If the cause is known, methods and support can be found that are tailored to individual problems.

Christina Cherry

Childhood then and now – what we can learn from our parents

Yesterday I talked to a friend about how different our childhoods are compared to the lives of our children today. We had to laugh at some things, others were almost negligent. I wrote down the best facts from earlier for you and compare them with today’s time – 80s, we are coming! Oh yes, it could contain a hint of satire.

Freedom to the point!

In the past, we were allowed to play outside alone as a preschooler – and we even managed without a drinking bottle and Tupper can. We were called in for dinner and then stormed out immediately. Those who were thirsty got something for themselves, and otherwise the mums were happy to have their rest. But today? Forget it! We would never leave our tots unattended for so long, traffic and all the bad people out there! The children would also either feed themselves or die of thirst or starve if we did not keep adding our salt sticks and pinchies to them.

Christina Cherry

"Childproof on all devices" – A guide for parents

Smartphones and tablets are practical, but also unsafe. IT expert Marco Peters explains which software and setting options the various operating systems offer in terms of parental controls.

With our guide you make all your devices childproof © vejaa \ fotolia.com

1. Childproof Kindle

The Kindle Fire is probably the best device for small children, who are not yet surfing the internet. Not only is it very handy and light, it also has a variety of practical security settings. Parents can use the Kindle FreeTime function to set up a separate user for each of their children and the Limit use of apps for all users. After a Kindle FreeTime account has been activated, parents can in the Settings for the family library select the apps, that may be used.

Christina Cherry

Children only have to pay gross income of EUR 100,000 or more to care for their parents

Relief Act Children of dependent parents are financially relieved

The municipalities are warning of billions of dollars from the new law.

Berlin Children of those in need of care will in future be asked to pay for their upkeep far less frequently than in the past. Only those who earn more than 100,000 euros gross per year should still be financially involved. On Wednesday, the cabinet decided on the Relatives Relief Act of Social Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD), which the Bundestag and Bundesrat still have to approve. The new income limit should also apply to the parents of children who need to be cared for. So far, the 100,000 euro limit only applies to basic old-age security and reduced earning capacity.

Christina Cherry

Brain researchers: Parents steal children’s most important childhood experience

Spotted an Error?

Many parents want to teach their children as much as possible in order to prepare them for life in the best possible way. Brain researcher Gerald Hüther, however, warns of negative consequences: strong parental intervention could destroy the children’s natural joy of discovery.

Even before a child is born, his parents have an idea of ​​what they want to do better in their upbringing. Better than one’s parents, better than friends, better than neighbors.

Long before the child starts preschool, his parents have already figured out what might become of him. They may even have put up with some effort to pave the way for their child’s future: with early language classes, intelligence-enhancing toys, and regular music lessons.

Christina Cherry

Liability insurance: Protect children extensively

Anyone who has children knows it: don’t pay attention for a moment and you start playing with objects that are actually not toys. If the little daughter has also pulled the not exactly cheap porcelain doll of the friend beaming from the shelf with joy, she will Situation quickly relaxed. After all, broken pieces bring tears rather than happiness in this case. Small children in particular cannot yet correctly assess the consequences of their actions.

In the case of the expensive porcelain doll, is Definitely better to be safe than sorry. If the offspring is not sufficiently insured for liability, the parents may have to pay for the girlfriend’s broken collector’s item. For this reason, legal guardians should make sure that their liability insurance includes children – of all ages if possible – and take out a corresponding family liability policy.

Christina Cherry