Become a pediatrician, requirements, tasks & career

Become a pediatrician

How to become a pediatrician?

Do you love children, are empathetic and want to help others with your job? Your biggest wish is to become a pediatrician? In order to fulfill your dream, you first have to study medicine for 12 semesters, which ends with the second state examination. Then you have the opportunity to specialize in pediatrics or pediatrics. This specialist training takes another 5 years for you. If you pass the final exam, you can call yourself a specialist in pediatrics or pediatrics. With the qualifications you have acquired, you can then work in a pediatrician or children’s clinic, for example.

Christina Cherry

Pediatrician ddr


If children get sick, a fever is often involved. As a symptom of the disease alone, however, it is not very meaningful, usually in conjunction with other symptoms it is an expression of a specific disease. The following overview should help you to quickly get the correct diagnosis.

temperature measurement

The normal body temperature of a child is between 36.1 and 37.8 ° C, but varies depending on the time of day (the highest level is reached at around 6:00 p.m., the lowest at around 4:00 a.m.). If the body temperature is increased, this can have other mundane reasons in addition to illnesses, such as romping, being too warm or similar.

Christina Cherry

Cough - pediatrician on the net

to cough

What is cough?

Cough is not a disease, but a protective reaction of the body to expel mucus or foreign objects from the airways.

Millions of cilia sit on the mucous membrane of our airways and can move like a lawn swaying in the wind. There is a thin layer of mucus on these cilia. Pathogens (such as bacteria, fungi or viruses), dust, pollen and other small molecules get stuck in this mucus and are transported together with the mucus towards the throat, where the mucus is either swallowed or coughed up. However, this effective cleaning system is hampered if there is a respiratory infection. Then more and more viscous mucus is produced, which can no longer be easily removed and which accumulates on the mucous membrane. The body responds with a cough to remove the mucus from the airways.

Christina Cherry