Pediatric dentist dr

Frequently asked questions

1. At what age should my child start brushing teeth??

As soon as the first tooth breaks through, he wants to be cleaned too. You start with a damp cotton swab and if you have more than one tooth, change to a small one children’s toothbrush switched. Are children Themselves makers and want brushing teeth playfully try out. If your child cleans them first and she then rinse, your child is having fun and the teeth are clean. Brushing your child’s teeth is necessary until your child is fluent in script and has enough stamina to brush. Top

2. Which is the right toothpaste for my child?

From the first tooth is a children toothpaste the best for your child. she can fluorides contained in low concentration to harden the enamel and becomes approx pea placed on the toothbrush. Children’s toothpaste tastes mild, but must not be sweet to avoid deliberate swallowing.
From the first permanent tooth uses your child Junior or adult toothpaste. This can more fluoride contain and thus protect permanent teeth more effectively. Junior toothpaste usually tastes milder than adult toothpaste. Top

Christina Cherry

Caries in young children


An infant is the life and learning phase of humans up to the age of six. During this time, the little ones discover the many different things in the world, learn to speak and social role behavior also begins to develop.

But there are also many development steps on the outside. In addition to growth, they learn to walk, the motor skills refine and also the baby teeth break through. These are like the later ones permanent teeth, good and sufficient to maintain them until the natural breakthrough of the permanent teeth to obtain. But unfortunately they are also not in front Caries protected and can be attacked by it.

Christina Cherry