Gum treatment, kzv berlin

Treatment of gum disease

It is estimated that 350-500 different bacteria live in the mouth. Many of them are harmless, but some can aggressively attack / inflame the gums, called gingivitis. If left untreated, periodontitis can develop. In the case of periodontitis, the tooth holding apparatus is also attacked.

Causes of gum disease

  • No optimal oral hygiene
  • General diseases (e.g. diabetes mellitus)
  • Irritation factors in the mouth (e.g. protruding crown / filling margins)
  • Stress / unbalanced diet
  • Smoking increases the risk of getting sick
  • Genetic factors

How do I recognize periodontitis / inflammation of the tooth structure??

  • reddened gums
  • Bad breath and / periodic bleeding gums
  • purulent discharge when pressed on the gums
  • Change in tooth position
  • Loosening of teeth and retracting gums

Use the cash benefit

The fund pays the bill once every 2 years arodontalen creening Index (PSI), an examination that can be used to detect periodontitis even in the early stages.

The pocket depths are measured in the PSI examination. From a pocket depth of 3.5 mm, the treatment of periodontitis is a cash benefit.

Christina Cherry