Bullying in primary school: how can I strengthen my child?

Our reader is worried. Her son is in second grade and is already afraid of being bullied again. How can she take her child into the next elementary school year with strength? Our experts answer.

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Parent question about bullying in primary school:

My son is in 2nd grade and is already worried about who will tease and punch him this time. Unfortunately there are many children in primary school with whom he is not so good. Through a new job, which I will soon take up, he will also be taken care of – so somehow everything is new for him. How can I bring my child strengthened into the new year? What should I do about bullying in primary school, how can I help?

Christina Cherry

Drachenstübchen: daf in primary school

dragon parlor

Here is a dream of what elementary school lessons could be like.



DaF in primary school

Having three main subjects in primary school is a major burden for many children. It is all the more important for them to maintain the fun of learning and to try to make the lessons so dynamic and creative that the children can participate with joy and not just take part in a frontal lesson.

Anyone who has already attended a language course at an adult education center may know the situation, the lecturer is at the front, reads from the book, students sit at the table and draw doodles in the course books. this is not how the DaF lessons with elementary school students work.

Christina Cherry