How do you recognize a narcissistic child?

How do you recognize a narcissistic child?

Narcissists consider themselves better than others. They often get it through false praise from their parents. 5 signs of narcissistic children.

Narcissists consider themselves nicer, smarter and better than other people

People who are considered to be narcissistic are in love, selfish and disdainful of others. They want to be perceived as superior and treated that way. They believe that they always act accurately and expect constant praise from those around them. They see their talents and achievements as excessively valuable and often fantasize about how they can gain power, success and charisma. Even if their own performance is only good, but not extraordinarily good, they don’t feel it that way.

Christina Cherry

Recognize and treat poor concentration in children

In our noisy, colorful world, it is not uncommon to be unable to concentrate every now and then. But if the concentration disorder takes on a harmful extent, it can quickly affect work and private life. Our children are not spared from this either. We’ll explain the possible causes of decreased ability to concentrate, talk about the options for treating a disorder and show you how you can actively prevent such problems. We also specifically address ADS and ADHD in children and talk about diagnosis and treatment.

Christina Cherry

Child welfare risk: When the child’s soul threatens to break

  1. As Child endangerment is basically to understand every behavior that has a negative impact on the Development of children and adolescents effect.
  2. a suspicion you can, if necessary, anonymously at the responsible Report youth welfare office.
  3. Certain abnormalities enable the early detection from a child’s well-being. Our checklist can help you with this.

What is child welfare? The following guide provides a definition and further information.

Actually, that should be for all parents welfare and the healthy development their children’s top priority. Nevertheless, the media keep reporting about it terrifying fates, in which girls and boys seriously neglected or mistreated were. In these cases, the question often arises: How could it happen? Child endangerment come?

When is the child’s welfare endangered??

Physical and mental child welfare can have serious consequences for the development of children.

Christina Cherry

Fever in dogs: recognize the alarm signal and act

Fever in dogs: recognize the alarm signal and act

Animals cannot speak to us in words and simply tell us when they are not well, but they have their own means of communication to make themselves understood. This applies all the more to the dog, which like no other of our pets builds a particularly close bond with humans. And since we also have an emotional relationship with him, we usually notice changes in his behavior very quickly. However, fever is a symptom of the disease, which is often not very noticeable and can have different causes. There are also harmless forms of fever, but also those that can pose a serious risk to the dog’s life.

Christina Cherry