Making herbal salt yourself with children: a spicy thing for the outdoor kitchen

August 10, 2016 Comments Off on Doing herbal salt yourself with children: A spicy thing for the outdoor kitchen

Making herbal salt yourself is easy with the kids. Above all, collecting herbs is a lot of fun for the outdoor kids. What you find in the garden or on the meadow comes into the herbal salt. A perfect gift is the homemade herb salt. Our recipe for herbal salt is also suitable for a children’s birthday party. Instead of the children bringing home a small plastic bag with sweets, they are given a bag of homemade fresh herb salt.

Christina Cherry

Knead with salt dough

Knead with salt dough

Working with salt dough is very popular with children and can cover an afternoon of rain. But not only fun and play are in the foreground, also important brain activities are built up by the activity with different kneading agents.

Age: 2-6 years (but older children often still have a lot of fun with it)

Inexpensive and in contrast to bought plasticine in larger quantities

easy to manufacture with the children.


Cover the table with a plastic blanket (if possible in one color) or a wooden plate;

Christina Cherry

Bath salt corner

Especially at Christmas time, a hot bathtub with homemade bath salts is wonderful for relaxing and switching off. But not only adults like this bath. Our children also like to relax in a hot bath.

The nice thing is, the little ones even have fun doing the bath salts themselves. And that’s not difficult at all. In this post I will show you how to make your own bath salt with your children. And this is what you will learn in this post:

What ingredients do I need for the bath salt?

Here I have shown you all the ingredients as a bullet list.

Christina Cherry