Sayings to longing

Love and longing

The question should be asked of all desires: what will happen to me if it is fulfilled, what the desire seeks, and what if it is not fulfilled?
Epicurus of Samos (around 300 BC)

Up close, from a distance, a little heart thinks of you. Love you and love you, yours also thinks of me?

Am I a dreamer come tell me I only want to know from you. Because only you know the truth because only you give me these dreams.

Longing is an amplifier of desire.

Marcel Proust (1871-1922)

Amazement is a longing for knowledge.
Aquinas (1225-1274)

The empty wish to be wasted between the desire and the acquisition of the desired is a longing.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Christina Cherry