Tips, separation

Information about separation / divorce

Frequently asked questions about the separation / divorce of parents

  • How and when do we tell our child that we are separating?
  • We will split up if my child cannot already visit a RAINBOWS group?
  • Should I tell the teacher about the family situation?
  • My child doesn’t seem to suffer from the separation. If the problems are not created in the group?
  • What is an optimal contact regulation?
  • My child doesn’t want to go to the father / mother …
  • How can I get involved as a father / mother even though the child does not mainly live with me?
  • What can i do for myself?

How and when do we tell our child that we are separating?

Children feel the changes in their family. Support your child by informing them as soon as possible about the situation or the upcoming changes in an age-appropriate manner.

Children need timely, honest, understandable and age-appropriate information about why the parents separate. Without explanations, they are very unsettled and make their own thoughts and fantasies. These often create more fear than reality, as the children often seek to blame themselves. Children also need clarity about how their everyday life will be after the separation. A child can ask the following questions: Where will I live? When and where will I see mom or dad when he or she moves out? What will stay the same after the breakup?

Christina Cherry