Question to the brain

I solve problems by talking about it?

Questioner: Martina Wirth via the Internet

When I discuss my problems with friends, I come up with new solutions. Speaking changes the perception of the problem?

The editor’s answer is:

Tom Brinthaupt from Learning, Teaching, and Innovative Technologies Center at Middle Tennessee State University:

There are many advantages to talking to friends about our problems. This helps us especially when we talk about very traumatic experiences that we have never told anyone about. It makes us feel better both mentally and physically. However, in this situation we do not primarily solve a problem, but feel better because we speak out.

I can try to answer the question on the basis of research on soliloquy. Then the answer is: it depends. It depends on what problems are involved, how I talk to myself or others about it and what my character is like. Some people have very effective problem solving skills, can view things from different perspectives and regulate their emotions – others cannot. These properties can hinder or facilitate problem solving. This is true when we talk about problems with ourselves or with others.

Christina Cherry

Fever in the baby - when do we start talking about fever?

Fever baby – my child is sick, now what?

Children often have a fever, even in the first year of life. They usually develop very high temperatures. Fever in the baby – it sounds threatening to parents. Fortunately, fever does not mean something bad for the baby, because the regulation of body temperature is not yet stable in our little ones. A blanket that is too warm or the heat of a summer day can really heat up our baby.

What is fever in the baby?

Baby fever is not a rare disease. It is the body’s reaction to ward off an illness. Viruses and bacteria cannot reproduce well at higher body temperatures. So fever is an important natural defense mechanism of the body. Our baby’s body temperature is usually between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius. Babies have a higher temperature than older children. During the day, the body temperature rises and falls after midnight. Our baby does not have a fever if it is less than 37.7 degrees Celsius in the morning or 38.2 degrees Celsius in the evening. Good to know: Babies and young children are feverish faster than older children and adults. It is perfectly normal.

Christina Cherry