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The ravages of time gnaw at the clock tower

160 years ago, the Big Ben bell sounded in London for the first time – however, it is currently silent.

Thames and Buckingham Palace can be seen far below, in the distance the rolling hills of the surrounding area of ​​London. It is narrow at almost 100 meters on the Big Ben landmark. Few workers can work in the tangle of scaffolding and ladders for years of renovation at the same time. Height and claustrophobia are out of place here.

Christina Cherry


Reading time: 2 minutes. As soon as your child has its first teeth, you should not only make sure that you take good care of your new teeth, but also look around for a good dentist for children. Find out when your child needs their first visit to the dentist in this article.

When to go to the dentist with your child for the first time

Early visits to the dentist are a must if you want to keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy. The child also gets used to the atmosphere in the dentist’s office and learns to build trust in the dentist.

The first visit to the dentist

Ideally, you can schedule your first dentist visit to a pediatric dentist (or a dentist who handles children well) sometime between your first or second birthday. If your child spends a lot of time with a bottle of mouth during the day or at night, you should go to the dentist earlier because the risk of caries is very high. Most health insurance companies pay for a dental screening from the age of 30 months. Up to the age of 6, your child is entitled to three screening tests every 12 months.

Christina Cherry

Free time planned for children

Scheduled free time for children

Dance training, martial arts, playing musical instruments or swimming and riding training have a fixed place in everyday life. But all of this really has something to do with it "free" Time to do when your child’s afternoon hours are regularly scheduled and there is no room for silence, switching off and unwinding?

Society controls the family

In this world, children quickly learn that great value is placed on performance. Life unfolds within comparison and requirements. Being at your own pace and preferences seems difficult today. As parents, you are always looking for the best options for your child. However, this desire is often the cause of overwhelming and restricting the child’s own personality.

Christina Cherry


Stories, fairy tales and poems

Tag Archive: animal story

The twins Gabriel and Günter

The twins Gabriel and Günter The twins Gabriel and Günter put their heads together and whispered. They saw each other …

The sheep with the speech error

The little sheep with the speech mistake "Muh" made the little sheep. "Hey, you are a sheep, sheep do not make" muh ", they …

The little raven and the streamers tree

The Little Raven and the Streamers Tree One late winter day a young raven brought a strange bag full of colorful confetti squiggles from his city trip …

When the little hedgehog was woken up in winter

When the little hedgehog was woken up in winter “Nanu! Nanu! What’s happening? Who knocks there? ”The little hedgehog listened…

Christina Cherry

Study of leisure time activities in children: personal development is more important than school performance

New study on children’s leisure activities: personality development more important than school performance

Almost every second family attaches the greatest importance to the personal development of their offspring, only for every fourth do school performance come first. In contrast, sporting activities with only ten percent and creativity with eight percent agree. This is the result of a current Forsa survey commissioned by Bepanthen to promote children, for which a total of 1,008 parents of children between the ages of 6 and 16 were interviewed.

There are again significant differences with regard to the age and average household income of the families surveyed: While 38 percent of 18- to 39-year-old parents consider the child’s personal development to be particularly important, exactly half of those surveyed over the age of 50 see this years.
The situation is similar for families with an average monthly household income of over 3,000 euros: for every second family, personal development is more important than school performance. Families with an income of less than 3,000 euros per month rate their own personal development and school performance roughly the same, however, and these have to be balanced.

Christina Cherry


Stories, fairy tales and poems

Tag Archive: New Year history

Happy New Year

Happiness and the New Year On no day in the year did people wish as much happiness as on …

Jules good resolutions

Good resolutions can sometimes be quite funny and you can only be amazed. On New Year’s Eve, Jule is terribly bored. Brooding looks …

The little forest mouse and the starry rain

The little forest mouse and the starry rain A New Years forest story with the animals of the winter forest Something was different today. Weird noises disturbed …

Grandpa and Julia write their review of the year

Grandpa and Julia write their review of the year “Please do not disturb Grandpa, Julia! He needs his rest today! ”Mama catches Julia…

Christina Cherry

In time: child surcharge also for pensioners?

L 1 E 420/07 KG PKH illumination
S 20 KG 11/06 SG Kiel .

In the appeal process

– Applicant and applicant –
Represented by Raudszus, Gebhardt, Hamburger Strasse 27,
24306 Plön, – 1186 / 05G01 ko –
Familienkasse Hamburg support point Familienkasse, Kurt-Schumacher-Allee 16, 20097 Hamburg, – F01 – K 23/06
– Defendant and Respondent –
The 1st Senate of the Schleswig-Holstein State Social Court passed on June 5, 2007 in Schleswig without an oral hearing
the President of the State Social Court Dr. Stoll, the judge at the State Social Court in Brandt, the judge at the State Social Court in Daumann, decided:
In response to the complaint, the decision of the Kiel Social Court of March 15, 2007 was overturned and the plaintiff was granted legal aid with the assistance of lawyer Gebhardt.

Christina Cherry

Children's time machine - Socrates, the spoiler of youth

Socrates, the spoiler of youth

Socrates came from Athens and lived around 470 – 399 BC. BC Although Socrates did not leave his own writings, he has become very famous. Because his student Plato wrote down a lot. He has a lot in dialogue form written, so as a conversation, and Socrates kept on speaking. Is everything correct what Plato put in Socrates’ mouth? The researchers say yes in part, but in part Plato mixes it with his own opinion.

"S" or none "S" – that is the question

There is an argument about whether Socrates said "I know that I know nothing" or "I know I don’t know." "S" or "Nothing", that’s a big question for some people. The translators understood it differently. Maybe Socrates said it very differently.

Christina Cherry

Children's time machine - platon and his unusual ideas

Plato and his unusual ideas

Who was plato? And what is the cave parable?

The philosopher Plato from Athens (427 – 347 BC) was one of the most important, if not the most important philosopher at all. There were philosophers before him and of course also after him, but no other person has created such a comprehensive philosophical work before him. Together with his student Aristotle, he is considered one of the two greatest philosophers of antiquity and one of the greatest philosophers of all time.

Plato taught at his own school

Plato was the student of Socrates and, unlike his teacher, wrote a lot. Many of the writings of Plato have survived. He packed his philosophy into dialogues, that is, into conversations. He taught at his own school, the name "academy" wore. A term that you probably know and that we still use today.

Christina Cherry



functional therapy

Treatment of children, including treatment of chalk teeth

Time is a precious commodity.

We often have too little of it. The annual visit to the dentist: a chore to fill the bonus book. Long waiting times, treatment according to scheme F, possibly accompanied by fear of pain?

Do your previous appointments at the dentist look like this? Together with you, Dr. Cornelia Franz and her team will do better in the future.

We take time for you and your concerns, especially when you are worried about fears. We will inform you in detail and make the decision together with you which treatment is best for you.

Christina Cherry