Traditions about traditions- Christmas in Poland

Poland is so close to Germany, what could be so different at Christmas than here? Surprise, the answer is: extremely much! Sarah’s family comes from Poland and she tells us a lot of exciting things about the traditional Christmas in our neighboring country.

A Christmas market in the Polish city of Wroclaw.

Wigilia is an important festival

Christmas is called for the Poles Wigilia (Latin for: "guards"). As with us, the pre-Christmas season is ushered in in Poland with Christmas markets. There are many colorful stands, for example the Polish gingerbread piernik sold. For many Catholic Poles, Christmas is the most important festival of the year. That’s why the whole family spends Christmas Day together from morning to night. Together they cook the banquet and prepare everything.

Christina Cherry

Children need traditions

Becker-Textor, I./Textor, M. 1990
Children need traditions

Children need traditions

Ingeborg Becker-Textor and Martin Textor

It cannot be disputed that the organization of everyday family life, both in the past and today, is largely in the hands of women and mothers, that traditions are carried on and quasi from them "inherited" become. For example, women are usually still responsible for preparing and organizing family celebrations. Due to the increasing employment of women, there is less and less time to maintain traditions and rituals in the family. So it is not surprising that children’s birthdays are celebrated in fast food or that Christmas is a mere celebration of gifts.

Christina Cherry