Education - upbringing - care: a harmonious triad

Becker-Textor, I. 1996
Education – upbringing – care: a harmonious triad

Out: Education, upbringing, childcare in Bavaria 1996, Issue 2, pp. 4-6 (The text has been slightly revised and shortened.)

Education – upbringing – care: a harmonious triad

In the Bavarian Kindergarten Act of July 25, 1972 – it is still valid – Art. 1 defines the kindergarten in more detail: "Kindergartens are preschool facilities. They are used for education from the age of 3 until the beginning of compulsory schooling". The comment by Straßberger (1994) explains: "Institutions in the pre-school area are to be understood as family-supplementing and counseling institutions. Kindergartens within the meaning of the law are not supposed to be ‘pre-schools’, i.e. Schools in front of school. ; thus differentiation from institutions that do without any upbringing or education or that only want to pursue education in the sense of teaching material . " (P. 16).

Christina Cherry