Yellow teeth in children & toddlers

Not only adult people have yellow teeth, children have one too

Discoloration of the teeth is not uncommon. In children, almost all classic causes of discoloration can be excluded. They don’t consume nicotine, red wine, coffee or tea – and yet their little teeth sometimes change color.

In these cases, dentists usually calm down, because it is mostly just a yellowish plaque. I would like to explain more about this in the following sections!

Yellow teeth and adolescent medicine: no whitening!

Even if that Milk teeth still bright white – As soon as the permanent teeth in children break, it can happen that these Teeth stained yellow are.

Christina Cherry

Yellow teeth

Causes of yellow teeth
One of the main causes of yellow teeth is poor dental hygiene.

Lack of hygiene: Inadequate tooth cleaning is the main cause of this disorder.
Many children or older people brush their teeth in the morning, but not before going to bed.

Yellow teeth

To maintain the white color of your teeth, you should floss after brushing and brush your teeth at least twice a day.
Dental floss and a brush are necessary to remove plaque and stains.
Teeth cleaning also helps prevent tooth decay and bad breath.

Christina Cherry