Team of educators – kindergarten shooting star

star group
Our 10 star children (children aged one to three years) are lovingly cared for and promoted by Dorothe, Jessica, Sina and Olga.

  • Dorothe

  • Jessica

Dorothe has been working in our kindergarten since 1987. It organizes the educational processes and offers for the star children. Dorothe has Pekip training and advanced training in Looking after children under 3 years. She heads the cooking group and swimming group at the asterisks.

Jessica was joined the team as a representative and has been a permanent employee since March 2016. She has been leading the asterisk group since August 2017 and offers the gymnastics group with the asterisk on Wednesdays.

Sina graduated with us in 2000 and has worked in the asterisk group since 2007 and heads the asterisk creative group. Sina also studies art at the FH Hagen.

Olga has been working in the Sternschnuppe kindergarten since 2016 and previously worked at a Waldorf kindergarten.

The asterisks are also used by our intern Ina accompanied and supported in their development.

  • Christine

  • Sina

shooting group
The Schnuppenkinder (25 children between the ages of three and six years) are accompanied, supported and lovingly supported by Nathalie, Christine, Sarah and Saskia in their development.


Nathalie graduated from us in 2005 and has been familiar with kindergarten for many years. She has been working in our kindergarten since 2007 and took over the management of the facility’s kindergarten in 2012. Nathalie is also a state-recognized specialist for pedagogical support with the horse and has completed further training to look after children under the age of 3 and has completed further training as a certified daycare manager. As the kindergarten leader, she coordinates the cooperation between the groups and between the team, parents and children. She organizes processes and offers for the children. Nathalie offers many free spin offers for children, e.g. Kneading and handicraft offers.

Christine has been with us since 1990. She directs the "Maxigruppe" of the Schnuppen, organizes, coordinates and accompanies the children’s excursions and works with them on plays that are shown to the parents. Christine is a social worker and has a lot of experience in “pre-school support” for children.

Sarah has been with us full-time since 2016. She has taken part in an advanced training course on inclusion and is looking after our inclusion children intensively. Since August 2016 she has been leading a gymnastics group for our “Minis”. With her talent to play the guitar she brings a lot of musical momentum into our everyday kindergarten life.

Saskia joined the team in 2018 and completed her year of recognition in our kindergarten. She runs the mini-gym, offers the music carpet for the middle children and provides great exercise opportunities in the free play in the morning. During the rest period she reads fairy tales and stories. With Saskia there is a lot of singing and laughing. a. because she knows the funniest songs and finger games.


Regular team meetings and training are particularly important and take place regularly. The entire team took part in two further training courses in 2012/13. The subject of the first advanced training was "Inclusion as a model for conceptual work in day care centers". The topic of the second training was "Perception and Movement Development, Observation and Promotion". Our team takes one every 2 years First-Aid Refresher Course part.

The "Sternschnuppenkinder" are supported and encouraged by the entire team of educators with a lot of commitment, empathy and professional competence. In addition, the team of educators is supported in their work by interns.


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Christina Cherry
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