Teeth grinding, cmd, splint therapy & co

teeth grinding

Bruxism – teeth grinding becomes a common disease

bruxism is the technical term for the widespread widespread disease called gnashing of teeth. It is assumed that at least 1/3 of the Germans, at least temporarily, are affected by this disease. from Toddler to pensioner Anyone can be concerned, being around 80% of all affected female and between 30 and 45 years are old. Teeth grinding falls under the generic term parafunctions. By this one understands Movements in the masticatory apparatus the no purpose serve. The affected persons chew, crunch, squeeze and grind during the day, but mostly at night, until they are partially serious sequelae form it. These could almost always be avoided with timely recognition and countermeasures.

What happens when teeth grinding?

  • Possible consequences of teeth grinding / bruxism:
  • Humpback relief flattened
  • Dental enamel abraded
  • Enamel cracks
  • Delicate teeth
  • Teeth break
  • tooth mobility
  • Teeth shifted
  • Teeth parts blasted off
  • toothache
  • TMJ osteoarthritis
  • Decrease gums and bleeding gums
  • Kaumuskelverhärtungen
  • sleep disorders
  • dizziness
  • tinnitus
  • blurred vision
  • Chronic / acute pain v.a. morning (TMJ, head, neck, ears, face, shoulder etc)

At the gnashing of teeth or bruxism The teeth are permanently strongly on each other pressed, grated, ground, or crunched. Usually this happens unconsciously and at night, It can also rarely occur during the day. Many people only realize that they suffer from bruxism when they are often in the morning with symptoms such as Jaw pain or headache wake up, or the partner points out, because even he feels disturbed by the nocturnal crunching in his sleep! In addition to one not restful sleep For the affected person and possibly his partner also has the teeth grinding severe consequences for the teeth, the jaw and the muscles. Teeth wears out much faster than non-crunching teeth. That of the enamel gets through the nocturnal crunch frayed and the cusp relief becomes flattened. As a result, the dentin (dentin) more and more comes to the surface. As a result, the tooth is becoming increasingly sensitive to acid or sweet from food and the teeth thus become sensitive to pain. Also it may be due to the continuous load too Enamel cracks come through the Tooth unstable will and even break can. Another problem is that even with extreme crunching Loosen teeth or move can. Also, it is possible that dental parts by the pressing blasted can be. But not enough! That too TMJ will eventually be affected by the continuous burden. This is making more and more wear With chronic pain when opening and closing the mouth to the arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. As part of a Craniomandibular dysfunction It can even be at worst Dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision or chronic pain come. in this connection Right the Not occlusion more match. That Of the Association between upper and lower jaw no longer fits optimally. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is recommended dental visit. This can often detect slight teeth grinding already on the basis of typical wear phenomena (for example abrasions, grinding facets) on the teeth, or, for example, of a pressure-sensitive, hardened masticatory muscle and with the help of a suitable therapy significantly alleviate the symptoms and consequences.

Cause research – why do we grind our teeth at night??

  • Causes / risk factors for teeth grinding
  • mental causes:
  • stress
  • Personality e.g. People who “swallow” everything during the day and have negative feelings “dammed”
  • Mental disorders e.g. Depression, anxiety disorders, etc.
  • Other causes:
  • Inadequate teeth bite
  • sleep disorders
  • Medications (e.g., certain ant> alcohol, nicotine (smoking), and caffeinated beverages
  • badly fitting dentures e.g. Prostheses, bridges, crowns
  • orthopedic problems e.g. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, malocclusions
  • certain diseases

The Causes of teeth grinding are still not completely explored. It is believed that bruxism in most cases stress, inner unrest respectively. tensions is triggered. Straight people the daytime Anger, anger, fears and frustrations “Swallowing” or displacing, these tend to be in the sleep to to process. Also serious psychological illnesses like anxiety disorders or depressions can result. That can be too sleep disorders lead and also to the teeth grinding, whereby the body tries to reduce the internal tension. However, not all people who have stress, with their teeth, which suggests that in addition to crunch genetic predispositions to play a role in the genesis of bruxism.

As another cause of teeth grinding come problems in the Bite of the teeth in question. Here, upper and lower jaw do not optimally fit together. The trigger for this can Kieferfehlstellungen (different causes), but also Badly fitting dentures (crowns, bridges, implants, prostheses) his! Is e.g. a crown, or a filling too high or too low, the body automatically tries to restore the optimal state. It is subconsciously ground, crunched and chewed until the troublesome bumps are ground away. Therefore, it always makes sense to provide the teeth of high quality and state-of-the-art technology. Using the latest surveying methods and manufacturing techniques, dentures such as crowns, bridges or implants can be made ever more accurate and adapted. Thus, also secondary diseases such as Teeth grinding rare.

However, the preparation and customization of high quality dentures Often very expensive and is not fully reimbursed by the statutory health insurance, so that sometimes immense additional costs may arise. Since the Benefits of the statutory health insurance in the dental field, in the future certainly will not increase, it makes sense to conclude a dental insurance think. In this context, make sure that supplemental dental insurance also provides functional analysis and functional therapy (FAL / FT) services – these treatments will optimally fit the denture to your bite so that you will not experience the described dental problems.

You can also continue Sleep disorders (sleep apnea syndrome, snoring, daytime sleepiness) or Stimulants (caffeinated drinks, alcohol, smoking)which can lead to insomnia, promote the development of teeth grinding.

Paths from teeth grinding – therapy options

Brief overview of therapy options

therapy explanation
Crushed splint, bite splint, occlusal splint Pure symptomatic therapy, avoids damage to teeth and gums
CMD rails Extremely accurate crunching splint in craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)
Avoid triggering factors caffeinated drinks, alcohol, drugs are restricted or omitted altogether; Medicines switched to alternatives;
Release tension Heat treatment (e.g., fango) and massage, osteopathy, physiotherapist, etc.
Remedy jaw malpositions Physiotherapy, insoles, etc. correct malposition of the body
Combining upper and lower jaw optimizing Sanding too high dentures or renewing badly fitting dentures
Biofeedback therapy Measurement of tension of masticatory muscles, if the voltage is too high, an audible warning tone
Restore mental balance Relaxation exercises (autogenic training, yoga, tai chi) sport, change of life situation, psychotherapist (stress management seminar, hypnosis, psychotherapy)
Botulinum toxin (Botox) therapy Botulinum toxin is injected into masticatory muscles and eliminates teeth grinding

Nobody should wait until the teeth-grinding passes by on its own. First, there is no guarantee and, secondly, by that time, great damage may already have been incurred. In bruxism both the consequences and the causes must be combated so that the teeth remain healthy in the long run. The visit to the dentist alone is therefore not always enough. But the good news is, there are a whole range of treatment options to help you get back to a healthy and restful sleep. However, it is important in advance to find out the causes of teeth grinding, so that a causal therapy can be started.

Crunching rail / bite rail

A first measure to prevent further damage to the masticatory apparatus due to bruxism is the Wearing a bite splint. There are here 2 different types: On the one hand soft crunch rails, which feel rather rubbery and made of soft plastic. They are about 1 mm thick and are individually adapted to the jaw. The soft bite splints have the advantage of being perceived by the patient as pleasant felt to be wearing, but again not quite as effective like the hard bite splints. There is another hard crunching rail, which are also customized, but made of harder plastic, similar to a removable braces. It has the advantage of better positioning the jaw in the right position and so on Correct jaw misalignment slightly can. However, it is considered by most patients as something more uncomfortable to wear felt. Both species are inserted before sleeping and removed in the morning. The crunch bar is cleaned every morning with normal toothpaste and the toothbrush. The crunching rail forms one protective buffer between upper and lower jaw, so that the teeth can not rub against each other and there is no more damage. It also contributes to a more relaxed position between upper and lower jaw. Unfortunately, it is just a purely symptomatic treatment. Unfortunately, bruxism is not combated. It should therefore be supplemented with a causal therapy. The costs for a crunching rail are taken over in principle by the legal health insurance. However, there may be additional costs for diagnosis or treatment. If the cause is to be fought with the help of a bite splint, one must CMD rail be made. This should be one again optimal occlusion allow and so at night upper and lower jaw in the ideal position bring. Unfortunately, the costs For CMD rails Not of the reimbursed by statutory health insurance. With a private one dental insurance Can the costs for such expensive CMD rails be secured – But beware: only a few tariffs take over these costs. A tariff, which covers these rails, is the Württemberg full protection (V1-V3).

CMD Splints – Therapy Approach to CMD (Craniomandibular Dysfunction)

Is the teeth grinding already an expression of one Craniomandibular dysfunction, Unfortunately, normal bite splints are no longer sufficient. Here are special CMD rails needed. These are not only made as a mouthguard, but also consider the occlusion per se. This is supposed to do that Upper and lower jaw can rest optimally on each other during the night. So the subconscious mind at night has no reason to sand down something or similar. This requires the jaw and the rows of teeth exactly measured and also in the production must be worked exactly, every mismatch between the individual teeth must be compensated. The costs amount to approx. 900 € – 1,400 €. Unfortunately, these costs are borne by the statutory health insurance usually not refunded. The cost of such a rail, however, can be secure privately with a good dental insurance. The V1, V2, V3 tariffs of the Württembergische include power for CMD rails. The prerequisite is, of course, that before completing the insurance, a TMJ or teeth grinding has not yet been diagnosed by the dentist (if, unfortunately, this benefit is excluded due to the detected prior damage).

Triggering factors me> z. Avoid smoking and alcohol

Should factors like Smoking, alcohol, caffeine, or medications the triggering factors for teeth grinding, the therapy is very simple: namely omitting or only very much Consume restricted. For example, Just drink coffee in the morning. Except for the medication, of course! Here you should first discuss with your doctor exactly how they are needed in the long run and if there are any alternatives!

Loosen jaw malpositions / tension

are Kieferfehlstellungen or tension the cause of teeth grinding, of course, these must be resolved. It is important to find out from where these tensions and misalignments originate. If the cause is in the jaw itself, can limbering for the TMJ, as well massages and heat treatments be applied. Sometimes the jaw malposition is also triggered by other malpositions in the body. For example, A pelvic obliquity or scoliosis of the spine causes the body to become unbalanced, which can also cause the jaw to maladjust. Here it is important in parallel also of a good Orthopedists, physiotherapists or osteopaths about treatment options to be advised. It is usually no longer necessary to care for jaw malpositions in adults. However, orthodontic treatment in children may be recommended. Especially when with child crunching malocclusions are the cause. The Benefits of the statutory health insurance In the area of ​​orthodontics in children, the degree of jaw malposition is very important. In any case, it is recommended in advance of the conclusion of a Dental insurance for children to think, ideally already in kindergarten age.

Combining upper and lower jaw optimizing

Is the Collision between upper and lower jaw not optimal, what e.g. after adjusting new dentures (crowns, bridges, implants, prostheses, fillings) may be the case, it is advisable to visit the dentist and have it rectified or optimized. For example, Too high fillings or crowns are ground even further, so that the bite is right again. If this is not possible due to accidents, unacceptable misalignments, etc., comes one CMD rail in question. This is intended to compensate for the imbalance between the rows of teeth. The measurement and preparation for this is much more expensive than for normal bite splints, which serve only as a mouthguard.

Biofeedback therapy

Here are sensors on the Chewing musculature glued on. If this then a certain Exceed tension, So the teeth are pressed or ground on one another, this then enters acoustic signal. Through this method, the patient should become aware of his teeth grinding and learn to relax more and more in the appropriate situations. At some point, the device is no longer needed because the patient has learned to regularly check for tensions in the masticatory muscles and, if necessary, to relax.

Stress reduction – different ways to find the inner balance

Because with most people psychological factors as a trigger for bruxism the focus is on “treating” them as well. Which way is the right one, can not be said flat rate. It depends here very much on the expression of the mental imbalance and the individuality of the individual. In some people, it may be enough if they are in a kind of kind of stress management treat yourself. This makes you aware of when in everyday life stress, problems, etc. come on one and how to turn off these situations in the future, or at least better and more consciously master. Also, you make several times a day aware of whether the jaw is really relaxed and if you do not relax it. This can e.g. also by one Biofeedback therapy get supported.

Also can relaxation exercises, for example in the form of autogenic training, Tai Chi progressive muscle tension or yoga can be learned, be very helpful in many people and solve the internal tension in the long term.

Sports. All aggression and tension can be left out here and in addition they will find wonderful sleep in the evenings as a result of the subsequent exhaustion.

Often, a way to psychotherapists. Especially when the symptoms are stronger, but especially in depression and anxiety disorders and you see yourself no way out of the vicious circle of stress / anxiety, etc. and the crunch, you should not avoid this step out of false shame. Psychotherapists have different approaches to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, etc. or to teach them how to handle it better. This can, for example Stress management courses, hypnosis, psychotherapy be applied.

Botulinum toxin therapy – Botox as a treatment option for teeth grinding

A relative new therapeutic approach is the injection from Botulinum toxin (Botox) in the masseter. This will be the excessive tension of the chewing muscle resolved within 1-2 weeks and the teeth grinding stops. But not the voluntary movements, i. Conscious chewing while eating etc. is not affected. The effect then stops in about 3-6 months because the remedy is broken down by the body during this time. So far, the drug for this therapy only Off-label status carried out. That is, the drug is not officially approved for this treatment. The costs depending on the required amount of Botox, between 250 € and 550 €.


As you have seen, there are a lot of treatment options that can help that annoying gnashing of teeth to remove and thus sequelae to avoid. Probably the most important step is to identify oneself as a teeth-grinding and not to shy away, to seek help. For this, the dentist is probably the right person to contact in the first step. He can recognize bruxism, that is gritted teeth, at an early stage and discuss with them the further course of action and therapeutic measures. Everything else is up to you to deal with the problem optimally.


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