The 20th

From the 20th week of pregnancy, your baby will adopt considerably Size and Weight too. The development of his organs is in the […]

From the 20th week of pregnancy, your baby increases considerably in size and weight. The development of his organs is in the […]

More about the 20th week of pregnancy

From the 20th week of pregnancy, your baby increases considerably in size and weight. The development of his organs is already completed in the 20th week of pregnancy. But these will still ripen and that long after the birth. Your baby will no longer be measured from crown to rump from this week of pregnancy. It has stretched and your gynecologist is now able to do it, Her child completely from crown to heel measure up. Your child can now show a remarkable 25 cm. But keep in mind that each child develops differently and this figure is only an average value. Your gynecologist can answer questions about your child’s development and also dispel your growth concerns. In the coming weeks of pregnancy, your baby will continue to grow and also gain weight significantly. Therefore, a healthy and balanced diet is still very important.

Week 20: Development of the baby

The development in the 20th week of pregnancy

The development of the internal organs is completely completed in the 20th week of pregnancy. It is now largely about the maturation of these and their expression. Your child’s heart has been beating since about the 6th week of pregnancy. The other organs have also developed and started their work in recent weeks. So your child can now have all the reflexes it needs after birth. Every day it trains these reflexes with movements and already strengthens its neck and back muscles to learn to walk later. Your baby can swallow, suck. Even his senses, such as seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling and hearing, are already highly developed. The development in the 20th week of pregnancy is also largely directed towards ossification of the skeleton. This will ossify into teenage well after birth. Once this process is complete, a person can no longer grow. In the 20th week of pregnancy, the nerve cells are also terminated with several million and are fully present. Your child still needs important minerals such as iron, calcium and iodine for its development.

Height of your child in the 20th week of pregnancy

In the 20th week of pregnancy, your baby is already around 22.5 to 28 cm in size. It will measure around 50 centimeters at birth and will reach this size by the end of pregnancy. The growth is now going relatively quickly. With increasing size, the uterus adapts to this development. From the 20th week of pregnancy, your belly grows by another centimeter. Your child still has enough space to play and move. Now you can clearly feel these children’s movements too. Your family members can also actively watch your baby’s movements from the 24th week of pregnancy and even see it kick against the abdominal wall. How you perceive your child’s activity also depends on how active your child is and of course every child is different. Particularly hot temperament can be felt clearly in the stomach. The thickness of the abdominal wall and additional pads on it can make it harder to feel your child’s movements. At the end of pregnancy, however, your child’s gymnastics become increasingly rare. Because from then on there is not so much space in the stomach and therefore the movements are usually expressed in a stretch. From then on, your baby will sleep much more than before.

20th week of pregnancy: weight of the baby

If your child was only a few grams in the first few weeks of pregnancy, it gained weight quickly and in the 20th week of pregnancy already weighs around 300 grams. The weight of your child will increase significantly in the coming weeks. By the end of the 6th month of pregnancy, it will weigh about half as much. In the 7th month of pregnancy, it will exceed 1,000 grams for the first time. Then it will increase even more and weigh around 3,300 grams at birth. However, there are also children who weigh significantly more. As soon as your child exceeds the 500 gram mark and is born, it is called premature birth. Its organs are already developed and with today’s medical standard, a child could even survive outside the womb. As soon as the child weighs more than 2,500 grams at birth, it is no longer a premature baby and, as a rule, this is no longer an emergency situation. The parents can take the child home after a regular hospital stay.


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