The advantages and disadvantages of a total and immediate denture

The advantages and disadvantages of a full and immediate denture

If a dentist has to pull all teeth because they are damaged too much and are no longer worth preserving, the chewing and speaking function must be restored with an immediate prosthesis (immediate prosthesis). An immediate denture is a removable denture that is inserted immediately after tooth extraction (tooth extraction) or after a surgical procedure. This prosthesis permanently replaces all missing teeth. For this reason, an immediate or immediate denture is not a temporary in the classic sense, but a final or definitive denture.

The advantage of an immediate denture is that it has the missing teeth permanently replaced without further time delay. The patient can use and load his new denture immediately. Immediately after the operation or treatment, the wearer has teeth in his mouth again, can eat, speak and continue his normal everyday life. However, the immediate prosthesis has to be adjusted later: as soon as wound healing is complete, it can be finally relined to the jaw conditions to avoid pressure points.

Preparation for the immediate denture

The immediate or immediate prosthesis must be made before tooth extraction or surgery so that it is ready for use during treatment. At a preparatory appointment, the dentist takes a denture impression of both jaws of the patient. Then he orders the immediate denture from the dental laboratory, where it is made by dental technicians exactly according to the individual template. Only then will the dentist pull out all teeth and provide the patient with the immediate prosthesis.

The immediate prosthesis: not the rule, but the exception

After tooth removal, which is done under local anesthesia and is therefore painless for the patient, the phase of wound healing. In this phase, on the one hand, the soft tissue on the gums recovers around the place where the natural tooth previously had its place. But the tooth compartment in the jawbone, the so-called alveolus, also regenerates. During this process, the structure and shape of the alveolar ridge change, on which the immediate denture must later sit exactly in order to find reliable support.

The dentist therefore usually waits for this important process to be completed and does not insert the denture immediately after the extraction. In some exceptional cases, however, it may also make sense and be necessary to fit the denture in your mouth immediately after pulling your teeth or having an operation. The precisely fitting immediate prosthesis then ensures the aesthetics and the chewing function without waiting. It also protects the entire wound area in the mouth from unwanted mechanical stimuli.

The wound healing phase usually lasts about two months. Only then are all healing and change processes in the jaw completed, and that The alveolar ridge has taken on its final form. When the time comes, the prosthesis can also be finally adapted to the jaw. This is usually done by relining, i.e. by adjusting the immediate prosthesis. The dentist takes an impression of both jaws again and then adjusts the prosthesis accordingly to ensure the best possible fit on the alveolar ridge.

Incidentally, dental implants also take some time to heal completely. Therefore, immediate restoration with dentures can also be useful immediately after an implantation. Often, bone augmentation measures are carried out before the implants are inserted so that the jawbone is sufficiently stable and stable at the appropriate location.

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The cost of an immediate prosthesis

Statutory insured persons receive a diagnosis-related fixed subsidy for the fabrication of immediate prostheses. The statutory grants cover half of the average cost of the chosen care and are adjusted annually to reflect current developments. Patients who want to use new dentures immediately after having their own teeth removed must do so Costs from 350 to 600 euros per jaw expected. The dentist enters the planned costs in the treatment and cost plan. This plan is then submitted to the health insurance company for review and approval. If you have a filled bonus booklet, you must submit it to the health insurance company together with the healing and cost plan so that the individual fixed allowance can be determined there.

In the case of a completely edentulous upper or lower jaw (finding number 5.4 on the healing and cost plan), patients currently receive a grant of approx. EUR 275.00 per jaw. Patients who get more money prove regular examinations at the dentist with their bonus booklet can: Anyone who has attended a free medical check-up every year for the past five years will receive a bonus of 20 percent and a fixed subsidy of around EUR 330.00. And those who have been to the dentist regularly for at least 10 years in a row receive a 30 percent bonus. This corresponds to a statutory fixed subsidy of approx. EUR 358.00. Financial hardship cases receive a double fixed grant of approx. EUR 550.00 on request and upon proof.

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