The child in you must find a home from stefanie stahl

The child in you must find a home

The key to solving (almost) all problems

Many of our problems are rooted in our childhood experiences. It is therefore important to understand why we react in this way in certain situations and not differently. Stephanie Stahl explains these relationships and shows methods that help us to recognize and overcome unconscious ways of thinking and behaving.

  • Anyone who wants to get to know themselves better
  • Anyone who wants to increase their self-esteem
  • People who suffer from relationship problems, depressed moods, stress, fear of the future, or lack of zest for life

Stefanie Stahl works as a freelance psychologist in her own practice in Trier. She mainly deals with the issues of attachment fears and strengthening self-esteem, on which she also holds seminars. As an author, she has written numerous successful books such as yes and no! or Life can also be simple.

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The child in you must find a home

The key to solving (almost) all problems

Reading time: 16 minutes

Available in text & Audio

What’s the matter

Many of our problems are rooted in our childhood experiences. It is therefore important to understand why we react in this way in certain situations and not differently. Stephanie Stahl explains these relationships and shows methods that help us to recognize and overcome unconscious ways of thinking and behaving.

Key message 1 of 10

Our childhood shapes our behavior.

Everyone longs for a place where they feel safe and welcome, where they can be themselves and relax. Ideally, your own home is such a place. Quite a few people also have negative, sometimes even traumatic experiences in their childhood.

The sum of all of our childhood experiences, positive and negative, is what psychologists call it inner child. This inner child has a decisive influence on our nature and especially on our self-esteem. This imprint is clearly visible in certain behaviors. As adults, children whose wishes were never taken seriously by their parents often react very disappointed or even extremely anger when their needs are disregarded. On the other hand, those who could never please their parents sometimes react very sensitively to criticism later.

These processes are not carried out consciously. Rather, the inner child is part of our subconscious, from where it has an enormous influence on our behavior: Scientists assume that the subconscious controls up to 90% of our actions.

As with a record in which the soundtrack is carved, our subconscious mind is shaped with every experience. If we come into similar situations, the same emotional and behavioral programs are played again and again. The best example of this is our gut feeling. Let’s enter a dark cellar, we automatically experience a queasy feeling, triggered by our survival instinct. This is exactly how childhood experiences work. If the partner squats e.g. again too long in the office and does not call, so suddenly the disappointment about the father comes to light, who often had no time in the past. With the memory, the associated feelings are reactivated and we react accordingly offended.

In this way, experiences that we have had in childhood shape our whole life. If we want to get rid of the old patterns and develop new, constructive behaviors, we have to deal with our inner child. But first we have to get to know it and first understand where the conflicts that are causing us problems come from.


  • Our childhood shapes our behavior.
  • Everyone has four basic needs. Mental health depends on their satisfaction.
  • Pleasure satisfaction is not a luxury, but a basic need.
  • The sun child and the shadow child shape our perception.
  • We develop protection strategies to avoid negative feelings.
  • Your shadow child: Negative beliefs can be understood and classified.
  • Your sun child: You can turn negative beliefs into positive ones.
  • Take responsibility for yourself and change your attitudes and behavior.
  • One letter makes the difference: replace protection strategies with treasure strategies.
  • Summary

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