The child in you must find a home – stefanie stahl

The child in you must find a home

The key to solving (almost) all problems

The content of this book is a problem-solving structure that I developed, with the help of which everyone can solve their individual problems. This applies to all problems that have their own responsibility and this includes all psychological problems and relationship crises.

In the first step, I work with the readers to develop their so-called shadow child. This stands symbolically for all negative childhood impressions, which we take into our adult life in the form of – mostly unconscious – thought patterns and behavioral programs. Even if our problems, especially our relationship problems, appear superficially confused and complicated, they can be reduced to simple, unconscious beliefs in a deeper analysis. So many people are deeply convinced: I am not enough! I’m not worth anything! You can’t love me, etc. These beliefs control our behavior, which manifests itself in so-called self-protection strategies. So in order to compensate for our supposed worthlessness, we strive for perfection, avoid or provoke conflicts, flee to work, wall us in, wear a mask and so on. The beliefs in combination of negative feelings and the resulting self-protection strategies are the cause of (almost) all problems that we have in life – except for strokes of fate.

Those who recognize their shadow child can calm, comfort and regulate them. For this, his adult ego, also called the inner adult, helps him, which is strengthened through exercises.

In the third step, the sun child appears. This also symbolizes our positive childhood experiences, very importantly: everything that we as adults can learn again. The sun child represents the positive target state. Here not only new beliefs are developed, but also the strengths and resources of the person concerned are emphasized. We also develop the so-called treasure strategies. These are constructive behaviors that we can use to constructively shape our lives and relationships.

The exercises are supported by two hypnotic trances, which I have spoken and which readers can download from the Internet. They work deep in the subconscious and help to heal the shadow child and make the sun child shine.

The book was published on November 16, 2015 by the Kailash publishing house and is already in its 25th edition! It has been translated into more than 20 languages, including French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, and much more.

"The child in you must find a home" is in the best-selling list of the Börsenblatt at number 1 for 2016 the best-selling books in the guidebook area and also number one bestseller in 2017 and 2018 at Buchreport.

You can get the book at any bookstore or order it online from Kailash. It is also available as an audiobook from Audible.

You can download the trances specified in the book here at Randomhouse.

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