The laser in dentistry, expert consultation

The laser in dentistry, expert consultation

The laser in dentistry

The dentist Dr. Viktoria Rupprecht answers questions from patients during this expert consultation.

Specialists in laser treatment

Specialists for laser treatment in your area can be found on our partner portal, dentist search.

Everyone has heard of laser or laser treatment before. But what exactly does laser mean in dentistry??

Laser is the abbreviation of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, which means something like "light amplification by stimulated radiation emission", colloquially often spoken of "bundled light".

What is the laser used for in dentistry??

There are many possibilities for using lasers in dentistry. The laser is used, for example, in diagnostics to find hidden carious tooth substance. "Laser drilling" is also known. H. the gentle removal of caries. The laser can also be used in dental surgery to remove skin growths and lip bands, to disinfect wounds and to expose dental implants.

The laser is also popular in dentistry in the field of periodontology (treatment of gum and gum disease) for cleaning the tooth pockets and for root canal treatments. The treated root canals can be sterilized, which means that operations on the root tip can be avoided.

My dentist suggested that I treat my caries with the laser. What are the advantages of the treatment??

The "Drill" with the laser has many advantages: the treatment is extremely painless, so that anesthesia is usually not necessary. In addition, the healthy tooth structure is protected because the laser can work more precisely and no heat is generated as with a "normal" drill. With ceramic or plastic fillings, the bond to the tooth is then better.

I get anxiety when I just think of the sound of the drill at the dentist. Can the laser help me there?

Of course, noises also arise when “drilling” with the laser. But my experience shows that patients have to be extremely sensitive in order to find these noises uncomfortable. And in comparison, the treatment is so painless that the connection between the sound of the drill and pain does not even arise. Treatment with the laser is usually perceived as a not unpleasant "tingling".

A friend had your periodontitis treated with a laser. How does this work?

Periodontitis (popularly known as periodontitis) is a bacterial disease of the gums or tooth pockets. The triggering bacteria are "killed" with the laser. The gums and tooth pockets are cleaned thoroughly and gently. The tissue-preserving and bacteria-reducing properties of the laser confirm the latest studies show that the treatment is almost 100% sterile. This far exceeds the results of conventional treatment. The subsequent intake of antibiotics can often be dispensed with.

Are there risks or disadvantages of laser treatment??

There are actually no risks with laser treatment, or rather, no more risks than with conventional treatment. However, you should make sure that not every laser is suitable for every treatment. There is no laser that your dentist can do anything with. Therefore, a detailed preliminary consultation with your doctor is definitely necessary, in which he explains what exactly is feasible. With some treatments you have to expect a higher price than with a conventional treatment. However, the advantages justify this higher price in most cases, because the laser can usually avoid costly follow-up treatments. With some treatments you have to expect more time.

How do I know if my dentist has the right laser for my treatment??

With the large number of devices on the market, this is certainly a serious problem. You can only get clarification from a comprehensive consultation. The dentist you trust will not recommend laser treatment if he does not have the right laser available. If in doubt, you should better get a second opinion. I recommend that you consult a certified laser dentist.

There are more advantages to laser treatment than pain relief and the lack of drilling noise?

Yes, there are still a number of advantages, such as: B. the fast and good wound healing, the low risk of infection, inconspicuous healing without major scarring and the possibility of treating pregnant women and high-risk patients.

Further information on the topic "The laser in dental medicine" or to our expert, the dentist Dr. Viktoria Rupprecht from Hebertshausen can be found here:

Specialists in laser treatment

Specialists for laser treatment in your area can be found on our partner portal, dentist search.

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