The story of the river and the wind: short story to trust

A stream emerged from the distant mountains, flowed through many landscapes, finally reached the sand of the desert.

And as he had overcome all obstacles before, he tried again. He sent his water into the desert and it seeped away here.

He knew, however, that he had to cross the desert, there was no other way. A hidden voice that came from somewhere on the sand whispered: “The wind crosses the desert and a stream can do that too. But you have to trust the wind. ”

The stream replied that it had sent its water into the desert, but it had swallowed it. The wind could not fly.

"If you run into the obstacle in your usual way, you will never get over it. You will either disappear or become a swamp. You have to allow the wind to carry you over to your destiny. ”

"But how could that happen?" – "By allowing yourself to be sucked up by the wind."

This suggestion seemed unacceptable to the stream. After all, he had never been soaked up before, he didn’t want to get lost. And once you get lost, you can be sure to find yourself again?

"Trust," said the voice from the desert. "The wind sucks you up and carries you across the desert. And when the water falls like rain, it becomes a river again. ”

"How can I know that this also happens?" – "It is so. And if you don’t believe it, you can only become a swamp. ”-“ But can’t I remain a stream that I am today? ”

"No way," said the voice. When the stream heard this, he retreated deep inside; the echo of distant memories came back from the days when he was still in the arms of the wind. U.N

d the current made itself easy and let itself be absorbed by the wind. He could only take the essentials with him. The wind carried him gently and released gently after miles. And it rained on the heights of the new mountains.

The stream was happy: "Now I have really found myself." The voice of the desert said: "The sand has seen what happened to you again day after day, because it extends immeasurably far. And that is why it is said that the path the stream of life takes is written in the sand. ”

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Georg Kirschstein

Hi, I’m Georg
of the human species.
After a sometimes difficult childhood in which there was so much chaos, I got more and more, from the happy, popular boy, into a self-hating, insecure, depressed young person. Back then I didn’t notice that the problems at home made me gradually depressive and changed. Many years of alcohol consumption and drug experiments followed. Only through repression could I and mine environment bear. At some point I didn’t even know what happiness and joy can be. I was so far down that I was at absolute zero. A very exciting, but scary point. Today I am incredibly grateful that I chose life at this intersection. After a phase of self-discovery, with therapy and many important insights, ups and downs, relationships, many different jobs (among other things in the retirement home, for Telekom in sales, as a car broker, in the hospital, as a carpenter in training, as an avocado farmer, etc.) and a trip to the other end of the world and a lot of great encounters, I can say for some time that I’m pretty close to being happy and that Life with all its ups and downs love, treasure and enjoy. With today’s knowledge, I know that light and shadow are close together and it doesn’t have to be a long and hard way to get out of a crisis, depression or dissatisfaction. As long as you go back to your actual nature, namely to be human as such. A rabbit cannot succeed if it tries to be a snake. The difference is that the rabbit knows that and often we humans don’t. But enough of rabbits and snakes. I have been dealing with psychology, self-realization, the art of living for a long time, health, Meditation and the real reality of life and being. And hope to be able to help others a bit with my experiences through this blog.


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