This helps against ear pain in children – baby and family

They can feel like pinpricks or like a pulsating strong pressure: earache. What triggers them and like parents the pain can alleviate

Our experts explain when children should definitely see a doctor for earache

The causes of earache

  • cold
  • acute or chronic otitis media
  • OME
  • Tooth or jaw problems
  • Almond or throat infections
  • Ohrenschmalzpfropf
  • Water in the ear, for example after bathing
  • lack of pressure compensation, e.g. B. when flying
  • Injuries, such as from cotton swabs, beating or falling
  • Foreign body in the ear canal

When to the doctor?

Ear pain is mostly a case for the doctor. Discomfort in or in the ears can impair hearing. In the long run, this has a negative impact on language development.

  • Babies up to six months immediately to the doctor
  • Children up to two years with moderate to severe ear pain on both sides
  • fever
  • Hearing or balance problems
  • Blood in the ear
  • Whenever you are unsure or the child is doing badly

Relieve the pain

  • Onion bag: Onions have an antibacterial effect and help if there is an inflammation behind the earache. Here’s how it works: Chop the onion, heat briefly and wrap it in a tea towel. Place the warm wrap on the aching ear, fix with a hat or a thin scarf.
  • Kirschkernkissen: Warmth has proven itself. Warm the cherry stone pillow in the oven or in the microwave (note the manufacturer’s instructions!). Put lukewarm on the ear so that it is comfortable for the child.

Prevent earache

  • Treat runny nose and cough early on with expectorant medication (e.g. decongestant nasal spray, cough reliever)
  • Earplugs when bathing
  • Cotton swabs are used for ear cleaning taboo. If in doubt, have the ears cleaned by the pediatrician.

The treatment

  • Painkiller such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, decongestant nose drops and other secretion-relieving measures help with ear pain as a result of a cold, cough and / or runny nose. If the symptoms do not go away after two to three days, the doctor checks whether antibiotic therapy is useful.
  • antibiotic may be necessary for bacterial otitis media.
  • Ventilation tubes or cut in the ear: A surgical intervention may be necessary if secretions accumulate in the middle ear that can no longer drain away. This is possible if the child repeatedly suffers from otitis media, has protracted infections of the upper airways, or has a very common cold. The secretion accumulation (timpani effusion) can lead to hearing and speech development disorders. The tympanic tube helps to ventilate the middle ear.
  • Blood in the ear canal can occur if the eardrum has been injured or even punctured (e.g. when cleaning with a cotton swab). The child must be presented to the pediatrician or ear doctor immediately.

Also read:

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Christina Cherry
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