This way your children learn to write easily

Reading time: 2 minutes Do you want to support your child in learning to write? There is a simple, fun way to do this: play mail. In this article you will learn how it works, what you need and what you should consider.

This way your children will learn to write easily

Playing post is fun

Did you play post as a child? Perhaps you have even set up a mobile post office with a “children’s post”? Today’s children also love to write and receive small messages. Use the fun of the game and learn to write and read with their children.

To play post you need:

  • two pencils
  • paper
  • one or two cardboard boxes

The cardboard box becomes a mailbox. You can stick it on or paint it together. A mail slot also looks good in it. However, do not tape the lid so that the recipient can get his mail out. You place the mailbox centrally in the apartment.

If you enjoy crafting, make two mailboxes: one comes in front of the children’s room, the other in front of the kitchen. Naturally the names of the recipients must not be missing.

Learn to write and read with your child

  • Take turns writing short messages – every day, several a day, or every few days. Completely casual, according to desire and joy.
  • To add joy, put something sweet in the mail every few days.
  • Ask questions the child can answer: "What do you wish for dinner tomorrow?" Or "Would you like to go to the cinema with me?"
  • Write in block letters. Elementary school students cannot decipher individual script.
  • Fold the paper together twice and write the name of the sender and recipient on it.
  • Throw the mail in the self-made mailbox.

Follow the only rule

The child should discover how much fun it is to learn to read and write independently. So keep up criticism back and don’t laugh at it.

Learning spelling and grammar rules is important without question. However, the first steps in writing will inhibit the child if you pay attention to the mistakes in each letter. It is a great achievement for a child to formulate the first free lines. With practice, the style will also improve.

Spelling comes in the second step

Spelling is also used when playing mail. Collect your child’s messages and make a list of words that he or she doesn’t yet write correctly. You will practice these words later with your child. Without going into the fact that it misspelled them in the news.

Secret messages for experienced children

Children who have outgrown the first writing age like to write secret messages. From the third elementary school class, the child has enough prior knowledge and patience to implement a secret script. To do this, you can create a “turntable based on a template” with the child, which you can find in my other articles.

You can find more tips on learning to write and read in my articles:

  • When it comes to creative writing, the spelling comes at the end
  • Reading aloud also prepares for reading and writing
  • And read a short story for your child to relax: "The magic boots"

Photo credit: liderina /

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