Tinker musical instruments – tinker with children

Bastelnmitk >

Make a hand rotating drum

Our hand rotary drum makes the beginning of making musical instruments. A great little noisemaker, for which you don’t need a lot of crafting materials.

Materials: old box of cheese corners, e in stick, string remains, wooden balls, adhesive tape, e twas finger paint, scissors

The packaging of cheese corners is ideal for tinkering the rotary drum instrument.

First step:

We carefully drill a hole through the cheese packaging at the top and bottom so that the stick fits through. But it shouldn’t slip easily! We use some adhesive tape to fix it and stick the stick to the inside of the pack. The same can be done from the outside if you want to be on the safe side.

Second step:

Now we drill a small hole on the left and right, through which the thread can later be pushed and knotted. At the other end of the thread, we now attach the wooden balls with a tight knot. Make sure that the thread is not too long, otherwise the balls hang too far down and do not hit the center of the packaging when turning.

Third step:

Now the packaging is closed again and glued together with the adhesive tape on the outside. Just paint the whole thing with your finger paint and let it dry well.

Now the children can take the crafted musical instrument between both hands and turn it back and forth.

Make a clamp ring

Building a clamp ring yourself is child’s play and can be implemented quickly. The Schellenring is the perfect musical instrument to accompany many children’s songs.

Materials: paper plates, finger paints, felt-tip pens, bells, thread, scissors

First step:

For the bell ring, the children first paint their paper plates. It doesn’t matter how they are designed. We painted the plates with water colors. Just let your creativity run wild.

Second step:

When the plates are painted and dried, we carefully drill a few small holes in the edge of the plate. We push the thread through these holes and fasten the bells to it with a good knot. Just cut off the thread remnants and the second musical instrument for crafting is ready. The clamp ring!

As you can see, making musical instruments is really quick.

Here is a lightning-fast implementation of homemade rattles.

Materials: packaging of surprise eggs, spoons, tape, rice, peas or sand for filling

The yellow packaging, which can be found in every surprise egg, is great for making small rattles.

First step:

The yellow packaging is filled with either a few peas, rice or sand. It is best to simply make several rattles and fill them differently. This offers the children a change and the opportunity to get to know the different sounds.

Second step:

The filled, yellow eggs are placed between two spoons and then well taped. The rattling is already done !

The mini guitar

For a mini guitar you need a screw cap that is no longer used. A pair of old rubbers and a wooden stick.

Materials: old screw cap, rubber bands, adhesive tape, wooden sticks, colored pencils

First step:

The children can paint the wooden stick brightly. The rubbers are stretched tightly over the screw cap and fastened well with adhesive tape on the back. The rubber bands should not be able to slip.

Second step:

Now the whole thing is attached to the painted wooden sticks and the mini guitar can be plucked.

Make a rattle ring

This rattle ring is also a great toy for toddlers.

Materials: wooden ring, couple of long ribbons, bells, scissors

First step:

The ribbons are knotted well on the wooden ring and every now and then a bell is tied up.

Tada – probably the fastest musical instrument for DIY yourself is ready.

If you want to give very young children to play with, you should make sure that the bells and ribbons are really well knotted on the wooden ring so that there is no risk of choking !

Now we come to the end of tinkering with musical instruments.

Finally, there is a guide to crafting a rain maker.

Materials: old packaging in roll form, adhesive tape, nails, hammer, peas or rice

First step:

To make the rainmaker you need a little more time.

But it is always great fun for children to help with handicrafts and hammering.

We made a very small rain maker. The size doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you have found a nice packaging tube and the nails are not too long or too short for the tube. Too long nails might come out on one side and pose a risk of injury. Nails that are too short cause the grain filling to fall through too quickly and there is no nice rain noise.

First step:

First, we hammer the nails into a roll with the children. You can mark the holes for the nails beforehand, which makes it easier for the children to find the right place for the nails.

Second step:

Now the filling can be poured into it. Make sure that the bottom end is already closed properly.

When there are enough grains or seeds in the roll, the top end is also sealed.

Now tilt to hear what sounds the rainmaker is making. Simply add or pour out grains if necessary.

Third step:

Now the tape is used to cover the rainmaker well with it. At the end, the nails and the lids should no longer be visible.

I hope you enjoy making the musical instruments now!


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