Toddler development: the toddler in the 24th

development Calendar

At almost two years your child can express himself very well and especially like to use words like "me" or "mine". What your child likes to play with and how you can support them in the 24th month.

Motor skills and movement

By the time your child is two years old, they will make great strides in running and climbing. It runs smoothly and rolls with your feet. It can climb up and down pieces of furniture, it is agile and always safer in its movements. Your toddler can kick, roll or throw a ball. Some children can already catch the ball, even if it doesn’t always look so elegant.

By constantly repeating the movements, fine motor skills develop in toddlers, which strengthens the corresponding muscles and stabilizes the nerve pathways. Your child can already turn the knobs, unpack candies and screw on the lid. It mostly uses its preferred hand in its activities. Build towers with six or seven blocks your Child with little effort. It likes to thread pearls on a thick thread or a string and loves to hit things together and "play music" with them.

State of language development

At the age of two, your child’s vocabulary expanded enormously and now comprises between 50 and 150 words. It can name many things and describe certain properties of objects in simple words and in one or two word sentences.

A two-year-old child can understand and follow complicated instructions. Even if the words "run out" sometimes, your child tries eagerly to communicate. Your child understands a lot more than it can say. It will probably try to pamper you with everything and ask you many questions ("What that?", "Why?").

Difficult child questions about God and the world

Support your two-year-old child and lovingly lead them to independence. For its development you need the opportunity to make your own experiences. His self-confidence is strengthened if the child does not have to experience too many limits and disappointments. Remember to let your child share in your everyday life and give them little chores to do. Allow more time when dressing and let your child largely dress themselves.

If your child is annoyed because something is not going to be made right away, do not intervene immediately, but wait for your child to make it on its own or ask you directly for help.



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Christina Cherry
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