Tonies® audiobook – english songs – 30 favorite children’s songs – popular toys

Boxine GmbH 01-0138 – Animated to sing along: a happy mix of traditional English children’s songs that playfully convey the first foreign language. You simply place the hearing figure on the Toniebox. Because with them you operate the Toniebox. Audio figure for the toniebox: 30 favorite children’s songs – English songs Tonies are audio figures for the toniebox.

tonies® Hörfigur – English songs – 30 favorite children’s songs – To listen to the story. Young and old alike will enjoy songs like Five little Ducks, Incy Wincy Spider or the Alphabet Song. But you can also collect them and play with them. They make hearing tangible.

More information about Boxine GmbH 01-0138

game- & Movement songs – tonies® listening figure – 30 favorite children’s songs

Boxine GmbH 01-0124 – game- & Movement songs – tonies® listening figure – 30 favorite children’s songs – with him in his luggage he has the soundtrack for fidgeting in crawling groups, kindergartens, children’s gymnastics or the home gym. Not only the Bi-Ba-Butzemann is dancing! Tonie 30 play and movement songs. Another beautifully illustrated Tonie from Nina from our successful series of 30 favorite children’s songs.

More information about Boxine GmbH 01-0124

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Tierlieder Hörfigur, Bunt – tonies 01-0156 30 favorite children’s songs

Tonies 01-0156 – Duration: approx. We have put together 30 of the most beautiful animal songs for children on this Tonie. Suitable for children from 3 years. 58 minutes. Author: Leona Frommelt. Tonie 30 play and movement songs. Whether bugs lurking on the wall, buzzing bees or monkeys racing through the forest. Of course they are all there when the children’s room turns into a dancing zoo for a short time or you just have to take the band on a safari.

Tierlieder Hörfigur, Bunt – tonies 01-0156 30 Favorite Children’s Songs – To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. With booklet.

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tonies® listening figure – 30 favorite children’s songs – lullabies 2

Boxine GmbH 01-0178 – Duration: approx. Listening figure for the toniebox: 30 favorite children’s songs – lullabies 2 For beautiful dreams from the cradle to the school bag! After the successful predecessor, there is now a new varied collection of the most famous and important songs to fall asleep. 58 minutes. Author: Leona Frommelt.

tonies® listening figure – 30 favorite children’s songs – lullabies 2 – For beautiful dreams from the cradle to the school bag! After this successful predecessor there is now a new varied collection of the best known and most important songs to fall asleep. Tonie 30 play and movement songs. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox.

Suitable for children from 3 years. With booklet.

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tonies® listening figure – Fireman Sam – Something is going on in Pontypandy

Boxine GmbH 01-0200 – listening figure for the toniebox: fireman sam – in pontypandy there is a lot going on in Pontypandy and Sam always hurries to the rescue! The fun day with the twins Sarah and James turns out to be a dangerous competition between the main firefighter Steele and Gareth, her grandfather. 58 minutes. Author: Leona Frommelt.

With booklet. Suitable for children from 3 years. In addition, a pet show is held in pontypandy, in which the animals show their best behavior and Norman unpacks his old tricks, because he really wants to win this year’s cheese betting. The two vie for who can give the twins the better free time program.

tonies® listening figure – Fireman Sam – There’s a lot going on in Pontypandy – It will also be a hot day for hannah and joe, who are stuck at the top of a cliff at a grill party and Mandy decides to give her garden a new face. Tonie 30 play and movement songs. Audio figure for the toniebox: 30 favorite children’s songs – lullabies 2 For beautiful dreams from the cradle to the school bag! After the successful predecessor, there is now a new varied collection of the most famous and important songs to fall asleep.

To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. Speaker: willi röbke, clemens Gerhard, Achim Schülke, oliver böttcher, u. V.

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Pinocchio and other listening figures, colored – tonies 01-0120 5 favorite classics

Tonies 01-0120 – To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. Author: selma lagerlöf, lewis Carroll ,, Rudyard Kipling, Carlo Collodi, L. Frank Baum Spokesman: Ursula Illert, Santiago Ziesmer, Gabriele Blum Tonie 30 play and movement songs. Speaker: willi röbke, oliver böttcher, Clemens Gerhard, Achim Schülke, u.

V. A. For children from 3 years. Under the hands of the wood carver Geppetto, an adorable, cheeky wooden figure emerges that first sticks out his tongue: Pinocchio. Frank Baum spokesman: Ursula Illert, Santiago Ziesmer, Lewis Carroll, Rudyard Kipling, Carlo Collodi, Gabriele Blum. With booklet.

Pinocchio and other audiobooks, multicolored – tonies 01-0120 5 Favorite classics – suddenly she falls into a hole – she falls and falls and falls. Five popular classics in children’s literature Nils Holgersson, shrunk to thumb size, travels all over Sweden with the wild geese. With booklet. Here he meets many different animals and realizes that all living things deserve a good life.

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Owl finds the beat – A journey of discovery through the music world – tonies® hearing figure

Boxine GmbH 01-0104 – Author: nina grätz, lotta doll, anton pleva, christina Raack, Lisa Arnold, Charlotte Simon Speaker: Moritz Grove, Lasse Wolter u. V.A. 58 minutes. Author: selma lagerlöf, l. 56 minutes. 60 minutes. Frank Baum spokesman: Ursula Illert, Carlo Collodi, Lewis Carroll, Rudyard Kipling, Santiago Ziesmer, Gabriele Blum.

Owl finds the beat – A journey of discovery through the music world – tonies® hearing figure – With booklet. Suitable for children from 3 years. Duration approx. Suitable for children from 3 years. With booklet. Speaker: willi röbke, clemens Gerhard, oliver böttcher, Achim Schülke, u. V. A. For children from 3 years. Duration: approx. Author: Leona Frommelt. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox.

Tonie 30 play and movement songs. Concept, direction: nina grätz, anton pleva, screenplay, charlotte simon / dramaturgy and dialogues: Christina Raack / Cast: Moritz Grove, Lisa Arnold, christina raack, lotta doll, Lasse Wolter u. V.

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Lullabies – tonies® listening figure – 30 favorite children’s songs

Boxine GmbH 01-0048 – Tonie 30 play and movement songs. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. Running time approx. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. With booklet. 91 minutes. Concept, charlotte simon / dramaturgy and dialogues: christina Raack / cast: Moritz Grove, director: Nina Grätz, screenplay, Anton Pleva, Lisa Arnold, christina raack, lotta doll, Lasse Wolter u.

Lullabies – tonies® Hörfigur – 30 favorite children’s songs – V. A. With booklet. Toni hand-painted. With booklet. Suitable for children from 5 years. Author: Leona Frommelt. Suitable for children from 3 years. Duration: approx. Speakers: willi röbke, oliver böttcher, Achim Schülke, Clemens Gerhard, u. V. A. For children from 3 years. Running time: approx. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox.

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tonies 01-0084 Best of Yakari hearing figure, colored

Tonies 01-0084 – Yakari and the giant glutton: it is deep winter, bold view, food supplies are scarce and the Sioux tribe is happy when Yakari’s father returns home with a killed Wapiti. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. Suddenly yakari breaks down, he has a high fever and begins to fantasize.

With booklet. Running time: approx. Pointed arrow almost succeeds in catching Little Thunder with his lasso, but the horse is too clever and got away. Great gray people were cared for healthy there and stayed with the tribe. Author: script editing by Thomas Karallus Speaker: Mia Diekow Tonie 30 play and movement songs.

tonies 01-0084 Best of Yakari hearing figure, Colorful – Yakari and great eagle: yakari and his friend little badger would love to go with the hunters of their Sioux tribe to catch wild horses, especially where today they are after the wildest and most beautiful of all: Little Thunder. The shaman tells the legend of how the Sioux fought the demon of water on the world came.

To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. It was a little thunder that brought the injured pony to the Sioux some time ago. Author: Leona Frommelt. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox.

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Boxine GmbH 01-0100 – 91 minutes. Suitable for children from 5 years. This school holds a secret: if you are lucky, you will find the best friend in the world. A magical animal that can speak! If it belongs to you. Suitable for children from 3 years. Concept, anton pleva, christina raack, screenplay, director: Nina Grätz, Lisa Arnold, lotta doll, charlotte simon / dramaturgy and dialogues: Christina Raack / cast: Moritz Grove, Lasse Wolter u.

V. A. With booklet. Toni hand-painted. Author: script editing by Thomas Karallus. Your fox discount will immediately become your best friend! finally someone to talk about the caustic talk with the boring Benni or about the cool Jo, with whom Ida is a little in love. The shy Benni is excited. Speaker: willi röbke, oliver böttcher, Achim Schülke, Clemens Gerhard, u.

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Birthday songs Hörfigur, Bunt – tonies 01-0129 30 favorite children’s songs

Tonies 01-0129 – With booklet. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. 45 minutes. Tonie 30 play and movement songs. With many great children’s party songs. Running time: approx. Running time approx. Running time: approx. 56 minutes. Duration: approx. With booklet. Suitable for children from 5 years. Frank Baum spokesman: Ursula Illert, Rudyard Kipling, Carlo Collodi, Lewis Carroll, Santiago Ziesmer, Gabriele Blum.

Birthday songs Hörfigur, Bunt – tonies 01-0129 30 Favorite children’s songs – With booklet. 91 minutes. Suitable for children from 3 years. 60 minutes. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. With booklet. Running time approx. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox. To play the story you have to put the figure on the Toniebox.

Author: script editing by Thomas Karallus. For children from 3 years.

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