Toothache under a crown

Toothache under a crown


Does the dentist speak of "Toothache under a crown“, He means pain under one before artificially made tooth crown, e.g. under a gold crown.

The toothache usually occurs suddenly and violently and mostly go with you throb as well as stronger pressure sensitivity accompanied.

It doesn’t matter whether the artificial tooth crown was made recently or was used years ago. These symptoms can appear at any time.


Pain under a crown is caused by various causes. The most important and most common one is Root inflammation. With a crown from the tooth bed (parodontium) go out or through lagging Bacteria in the root canal after a Root canal treatment to be triggered.
Flare-up inflammation typically flares up when the body has a reduced immune system, such as a cold. The inflammation can progress quickly and trigger pus formation. A painful one abscess, the result is that it can spread throughout the entire head and jaw area.

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Beyond that too Caries responsible for pain under a crown. It will be here secondary caries called and often forms on coronet, if the artificial tooth crown does not fit exactly, a gap exists or if the original Caries not removed properly has been. This is diagnosed by scanning the crown edges with special instruments (tick probe). An X-ray image often does not show the desired information because the caries is overlaid by the metal or ceramic of the artificial tooth crown.

With a newly made crown there is the possibility of one preparation trauma. Here the tooth nerve was removed by grinding ("Drill") so irritated that it ignites, causing pain under the crown.


A diagnosis of toothache under a crown can only from a dentist respectively.
After this patient consultation follows the Examination of the sore tooth. First the teeth are with Inspected mirror and probe. In particular, the transition areas between the natural tooth and the artificial crown are carefully scanned with the tick probe. Soft tooth structure and gaps indicate secondary caries.

Then the dentist guides you sensitivity test with a cold cotton pellet by. If the patient feels the cold, it can be assumed that the tooth is still alive. If this test is negative, i.e. the cold stimulus is not registered by the patient, this may be due to the thickness of the crown material and is not necessarily an indication of a dead tooth nerve.

Then follows percussion test. To find out whether the affected tooth hurts more than the bystanders, gently use a toothbrush Knocked off the instrument. An increased pain perception compared to the other teeth is an indication of an apex inflammation.

Before the dentist begins treatment, there is one more X-ray photograph made to confirm the diagnosis. If there is a black spot on the picture around the painful tooth, it is a bone damage that also indicates an inflammation of the root.

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Additional symptoms

Typically, both strong and weak toothache are triggered under a crown in response to certain stimuli. Especially cold, warmth and print are the polluters that are special during the meal Trigger pain. But they can also exist spontaneously or in phases.

In addition, there are some additional symptoms that may or may not occur. In this context, often tartar and Bleeding gums observed. Tartar is mineralized deposits on the tooth near the gums. Since this irritates it, bleeding gums can occur.

Usually there are deep gum pockets and exposed tooth necks.
Due to the tooth preparation (grinding or drilling) for a crown, the gums sometimes withdraw and leave behind exposed tooth necks. The teeth become very sensitive and react to the smallest changes in the mouth.

In the context of acute inflammation, the usual ones also occur signs of inflammation on (pain, redness, pressure, warming, limited function). An inflammation in the area of ​​the teeth can also affect the whole body; fever, swelling and fatigue are typical here.


Treatment for this symptom is not always the same because it depends on the cause. The dentist only initiates the correct treatment after the diagnosis has been made.

If the pain is caused by a secondary caries triggered, the old artificial Dental crown removed and the Caries removed become. The tooth is then assessed and a decision is made as to whether it can be preserved or not. Sometimes a build-up filling for crown preparation or root canal treatment is necessary before a new crown is made. In other cases, the tooth must be extracted and a dental bridge or prosthesis made.

At a Root canal inflammation must get one as soon as possible Wuzelkanalbehandlung be initiated so that it does not spread the inflammation to surrounding tissue and in the worst case it leads to loss of the tooth.

A self-treatment with medication or home remedies for maximum two days respectively. However, caution is required, as taking painkillers only relieves the symptoms but does not address the cause. Therefore, a visit to the dentist is strongly recommended.
If the symptoms do not decrease during this time, a dentist must definitely be consulted. Otherwise the inflammation could spread further and cause serious damage.

Treatment with home remedies

Home remedies for toothache should be under a crown only applied for a maximum of one to two days become. The natural active ingredients that are usually used against toothache are chamomile tea, clove oil or cloves.

As flush acts strong chamomile tea anti-inflammatory.
clove oil is instilled directly on the affected area and causes a brief pain elimination there. If there is no oil at hand, one can whole carnation chewed become. This has the same effect.

Some patients swear by it alcohol. This is for relief not drunk, but used as a rinse.

warmth can a Worsen inflammation, you should definitely avoid them. Bacteria can spread faster in hot weather and advance the disease.

In contrast, narrowed cold the blood vessels and can thus reduce pain for a certain time, especially with strong ones swelling.

Treatment with painkillers such as ibuprophen or paracetamol have proven their worth in the mouth and jaw area. It is essential to pay attention to the information on the leaflet or the instructions of your family doctor, dentist and pharmacist regarding the dosage and duration of use.

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The duration of the pain is extreme variable and very different from patient to patient. Sometimes only one occurs short episode of pain on and after a short time you are free of symptoms again. This typically happens as an accompanying symptom for a minor cold or the like.

However, if tooth decay or a root infection are responsible for the pain, the discomfort can last for a long time and getting stronger. At first they can charming dependent occur through hot and / or cold food and drinks or through pressure, later the transition to one permanent state of affairs possible.
With Persistent or throbbing pain However, if you are not joking, you should visit the dentist quickly. Pus formation is very likely in this case and without treatment, an abscess and bone breakdown will occur.

Pain under a crown on the root-treated tooth

On crowned tooth, the root treatment may start to hurt again after a few months or years. Here is the inflammation, which was attempted to be removed by the root canal treatment, erupted again. Inadequate preparation or rinsing leave contaminated (non-sterile) tissue in the tooth, in which bacteria can remain. These multiply when the body’s defenses are poor and cause pain.

The situation is similar when a Root canal instrument in treatment canceled is. In this case it is Not always possible, the fragment to remove completely. Bacteria remain in the canal and cause inflammation.

A Apical inflammation but can also over the tooth bed (periodontal), without the bacteria having to infect the root canal. Then it may be that the inflammation does not go away even after renewed root canal treatment. If you want to keep the tooth anyway, one should Wurzelspitzenresektion be tried. The inflamed part of the root is surgically removed and the root canal is closed from the lower side.

Pain in a crowned tooth when biting

If there is pain under a tooth crown when gritting or chewing, this is called occlusal sensitivity. See also: Pain when chewing

The Apical inflammation is typically associated with bite pain. They are characterized by throbbing or heavy pulling, which is tempered by the cold.

Also one wrong tooth position, if the upper and lower jaw teeth do not mesh properly, this can be the cause of hypersensitivity. The reason is very often one newly deployed, but not well adapted Crown or prosthesis or also one new filling (Restoration).
In the first few days, it usually feels as if the artificial tooth crown is too high because it meets its opponent in front of all other teeth. This chronic overload of the crown or filled tooth causes the pain.
On Grind back the restoration or crown the dentist then provides relief because the height of the tooth now corresponds to normal conditions.

Furthermore, the wrong bite can cause an imbalance in the musculoskeletal system. He favors Pain throughout Chewing muscles and in the temporomandibular joint, which also cause severe headaches in some patients. These muscular symptoms only improve if the cause is remedied.

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