Treat toothache without a dentist

Treat toothache without a dentist

Treat toothache without a dentist

It is weekend and toothache comes out at the breakfast table. Since there is a weekend, there is only the emergency service because the trusted dentist cannot be reached. However, the emergency service does not have to be the easiest solution. Toothache has a variety of causes. An approaching heart attack, glaucoma, migraines but also inflammation in the gums or jaw area can cause toothache. Since the causes of toothache and couldn’t be more different, a visit to the dentist is always recommended.

The first-aid measures for toothache include the home remedies:

  • saline solution
  • cloves
  • different types of tea
  • Tea tree oil
  • onion
  • icepack
  • Pull oil

Since the cause of toothache is usually not clearly defined, you should try different methods, because not everyone wants to deal with the different causes of toothache. Since the pain relievers cloves, onions, salt and ice cubes are usually available in every household, you can simply try out the various healing methods to determine which methods effectively relieve the pain.

If the toothache comes on a well-deserved vacation, you can confidently contact your landlord or the hotel staff, who usually have the appropriate home remedies available.

The motto is clear and clearly trying is more than studying. Most dentists use cloves and essential oils to disinfect the wound or to clean a filling after drilling. The clove’s effect against toothache is excellent. The clove should be placed in the cheek pocket on the side of the painful tooth. But it is also possible to massage a military clove oil into the gums on the affected side. Those who prefer to gargle against the toothache can dissolve a few drops of the clove oil in the water and gargle the toothache away.

Toothache too big? Do miracles with the ice pack.

Almost everyone has a freezer compartment, with which you can produce ice cubes within a few hours, because cold is the proven remedy for toothache. The ice cubes should not come directly onto the skin, rather the plastic bag filled with ice cubes should be wrapped in a cloth so that there is no frostbite on the skin. The painful cheek side should be cooled for 10-15 minutes, this should be repeated every 2-3 hours.

Cooling between thumb and forefinger

Contrary to some advice, the ice should not be placed in the mouth on the painful tooth, as this can lead to a higher sensation of pain in the sensitive toothache.

Salt as an anti-inflammatory

As a rule, salt is found in every household. The salt, in sufficient quantity, must be dissolved in warm water, after which the warm water must cool down. The warm water promotes inflammation and thus toothache. When the salt water has cooled, rinse your mouth with the saline solution every 2 minutes, then spit the saline solution into the sink. The process with the saline solution should be repeated until the toothache subsides or is completely gone.

Onion as a panacea

The onion’s anti-inflammatory properties are already known and supported in other diseases. The onion should be roughly chopped. The cubes must then be wrapped in a cloth and pressed against the aching cheek. Another option is to place the onion slice directly on the painful tooth and chew it. An improvement should be noticed after a quarter of an hour, if not, another home remedy should be tried.

Pain relief from tea

Peppermint, sage, green tea, black tea and chamomile are well-known home remedies that also help against toothache. However, double the amount of tea should be used to prepare the tea. It is also important with tea that it cools down so as not to aggravate the inflammatory toothache. The mouth should be rinsed with the cooled tea at regular intervals. You can also use a cotton swab to dab the tea directly on the painful tooth.

Australia’s miracle weapon: tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is said to have the power to fight all types of germs. For the toothache treatment, a few drops must be dissolved in warm water, with the cooled tea tree oil water should then be gargled. With tea tree oil, however, one should mention the very own taste and smell.

Clean the throat with an oil pull

To pull the throat with oil you need cold-pressed, pure sunflower oil, or alternatively sesame oil. With this treatment method, you need to take a tablespoon full of oil and leave the oil in the throat for 3 minutes. Slowly moving the oil back and forth helps to distribute it all over the throat and thus absorbs all the germs. After that, you should spit the oil into a paperback book as oil can clog the drain.

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