Upbringing – educational guide for the perfect upbringing of your child

  • Education means educating a person’s mind and character. This influences the development and behavior of a child.
  • There are different parenting styles, each with different characteristics. An upbringing style is always associated with an upbringing goal.
  • Parents or family members can get advice and tips about parenting problems the children– and get youth welfare. Educational guides for kindergarten children can also be helpful.

The Birth of a child is probably one of the most beautiful moments in a person’s life. For the first few weeks or months at home, everyone has to start with new Get used to family situation. But when do I have to start raising my kids actively? And which parenting style do I want to pursue? Are there uniform rules that I absolutely have to convey to my child? Which educational measures are particularly promising for children?

These and many other questions burn freshly baked mothers and fathers under the nails. You can find out in our guide to raising children, what education is and when it actually begins. You will also get an insight into different parenting styles. You can use practical examples to learn how education can succeed. If you still have problems with your child, we will show you where to get comprehensive advice.

1. Upbringing means influencing and taking responsibility

Raising children is not an easy task.

The term Raising derived from the Old High German word irziohan (pull out) from. According to pedagogy, education means that someone forms the character of a person through various measures and rules. The behavior of the child should be controlled in such a way that it will function in the future can lead an independent and good life.

In the past centuries and decades, the term and its concrete meaning has been subject to constant development. Up until the 20th century, education was very religious. The primary goal of education was to shape a believer.

Education in the Basic Law

The obligation to bring up children and the right to bring up children are also regulated by law. Article 6 (2) of the Basic Law states: “Caring for and bringing up children are the natural right of parents and their first duty”.

Properties such as enlightened and educated also played a major role from the 17th century. Nowadays, education is seen as a learning process that takes place between the educator and the educator. Modern goals are honesty, self-confidence and a sense of responsibility.

However, since the word upbringing now has a bad image in society, experts often speak of socialization, in which self-education also plays a major role. In addition, the term is often avoided because it is too vague and there is no uniform content definition.

2. Education begins from birth

Education and upbringing in childhood shape all of life.

Many parents ask themselves when education should begin. The answer to this is very simple: from beginning to. Of course, first of all it is important that you use the Meet your child’s needs. This is also important so that the children keep their basic trust and know that they can always rely on you.

Indeed there should be limits from the start. Even infants and toddlers need to be made aware that other people have needs that need to be met. Eating together would be exemplary. If the baby needs to be fed, all other family members must also have the time and rest to eat. Even if the child cries, the parents should not give in at all.

But at the latest as soon as the little ones start to crawl and run, it is extremely important to show limits. Of course it’s nice if you want to discover the world. However, should Make it clear to parents right from the start what is allowed and what is prohibited. These basic rules must also be followed during the defiance phase.

Attention: Sources of danger such as sockets or cleaning agents should always be secured.

If your child violates these despite clear rules, it is advisable to be consistent. In these cases, however, it is advisable to bring up a child without freaking out. Since toddlers can not remember rules so well, it is necessary to repeat them over and over again.

Of course, parents should not prohibit everything from their children, but also allow freedom. Are advisable few, but important rules that must be followed under all circumstances.

3. The different parenting styles

There are different methods of education in children

There is not only one way to properly raise children. Because not everyone has the same values. Parents pass on what is important to them to their children. So it happens that there are many different styles of child rearing. The style is primarily about reward and punishment. A mother or father exercises power over the child by making decisions, assigning tasks and setting limits.

Often one Parenting style exercised without reflection. It is based on intuition and possible knowledge of the effectiveness of various methods.

The styles used to be divided into three categories:

  • Authoritarian
  • antiauthoritarian
  • Laissez-faire

Nowadays, however, there are many other styles that we would like to present to you in a rough overview:

parenting style characteristics
Authoritarian Strict upbringing; many rules and commands; Reward and punishment; Child is controlled by parents; Children’s needs and desires hardly play a role
antiauthoritarian Antipole to authoritarian parenting style; Method without constraints; Self-development of the child is in the foreground; few, but clear rules; a lot of scope
Autocratic Increase in authoritarian parenting style; strict rules, no compromises; Child has no right of participation; often threats and punishments
Permissive A kind of anti-authoritarian style; the child must take responsibility and take action; Parents tend to hold back
negating In principle there is no education; there are no rules and no guidelines; Parents are passive and unemotional; Child development happens by accident
Democratically The child has a right of participation; important decisions are made together; the child receives suggestions; Initiative and independence are encouraged; Parents radiate warmth and act as a safe haven
egalitarian Parents and children have equal rights; The child’s opinion counts just like the parents’ opinion; no hierarchical structure; Independence and self-activity are encouraged
Laissez-faire Passive parenting style; there are hardly any rules or orientation; in extreme cases neglect of the children

Of course, each of these parenting styles has advantages and disadvantages. Of course it is not good to show too many rules and limits, like the autocratic parenting style. On the other hand Children may feel lost when parents do not give them standards or offer guidance as is the case with anti-authoritarian education.

In general, parents have to decide individually which model best suits them and their lifestyle. However, family upbringing works much better, though different models can be combined. Therefore, in the best case, education should take place depending on the situation. Due to the flexibility, conflicts can often be avoided. At the same time, the children learn that there are rules, but they do so in certain situations have a right of participation and are taken seriously.

Because every parenting style is very closely linked to parenting goals. For example, if you give your children more freedom, they can develop better and become independent.

4. Parenting tips for parents

Educational tips can be very helpful.

Many parents occasionally reach their limits when raising children. Especially young parents are sometimes overwhelmed with situations. This is completely normal and shows that it is not so easy to raise children. Sometimes sentences or words are dropped that are not necessarily meant that way. Therefore, most families are happy when a day is calm and without disputes.

The In practice, raising 2-year-olds looks different in practice than 5-year-olds. A child at the age of two usually cannot yet understand the meaning of the rules. It is therefore important that you are particularly consistent and do not discuss measures. However, you can explain to a 5-year-old child why certain things are prohibited.

However, there is some rules that make everyday life easier and thus make family life as harmonious as possible. The limits and rules also ensure safety for your children.

  • Explain situations and show interest
  • Love, affection and physical contact
  • Fixed rituals
  • Clarity when drawing the border
  • Time for sports, games, learning and relaxation
  • Clear role allocation
  • give trust

With a bilingual education, you should also make sure that the second language has meaning for your child. This means that it should be spoken by many and / or very close people in the area. The second language should be mastered by at least one of the two parents.

5. Parents receive educational advice through child and youth welfare

Parents receive help in raising children through child and youth welfare.

An educational guide like this can of course not answer all parenting questions in toddlers. So if you have any further questions about raising children, an education book will help in some cases. There you will find many educational tips on how to deal with different situations in a pedagogically valuable way.

Parents or single parents can also get child guidance through child and youth welfare. This Family counseling centers provide advice and assistance when parenting problems arise in young children or older children. They support the parents and mostly work closely with daycare centers and schools.

The most common reasons for educational counseling are:

  • developmental abnormalities
  • Stress from family conflicts
  • Problems at school or training
  • Decreased parenting skills
  • Endangering child welfare

Another option is, Get online educational advice. These virtual counseling centers, for example the association for educational, family and youth counseling, have the advantage that families who are not mobile can also get advice. This is common Type of Communication is also used when those seeking advice are ashamed and are reluctant to make direct contact. All advice is anonymous and free of charge!


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Christina Cherry
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