Visiting service, topics, hkd

Visiting service, topics, hkd

Annual program Visiting Service 2019

Treasure hunt instead of fault investigation

Arbeitshilfe Spring 2018 The changing conditions in and around the parish call for a reflection on the structures, resources and positions in the Visiting Service. The material developed here should provide visiting service providers with opportunities to reflect on their own activities and to further develop the visit service in their own community.

Together, against each other, for each other – Das.

Work Aid Autumn 2018 The age structure in Germany has changed: fewer and fewer young people are meeting older people. With the demographic change, the question of the relationship between the generations once again comes to the fore in a different way.

Silver Shine – From the Art of Age (s)

Arbeitshilfe Herbst 2017 In the context of our demographically aging society, where people are living longer and longer, the question of a worthy (aging) one of the big challenges.

Working Aid Spring 2017

Listening with your eyes, talking with your hands With the counseling of the hearing-impaired and deaf people, the work aid spring 2017 will be dedicated to visiting service work. The aim of the work aid is to familiarize volunteers with the topic, to inform them and to prepare for discussions with hearing-impaired people. It is intended to strengthen the visitors and to stimulate a well-founded exchange in the groups. Our goal is to put the problems of the hearing-impaired more in the eyes of the communities, so that those affected will find more support.

You should be a blessing

Arbeitshilfe Fall 2016. Blessings at a home visit? Can that be, or does it have to be? What role does the blessing play in our visits? Can we or should we bless the people we visit??

Perceive differently – learning from pastoral care.

Arbeitshilfe Spring 2016. On average, 40 people with impaired vision come to a parish with about 2,500 parishioners. According to experts, this number will even increase in the coming years. The aim of this paper is to familiarize volunteers with the topic, to inform them and to prepare them for discussions in which this issue is addressed. The volunteers make the visits on behalf of their community. We assume that God sees man, each and every one of their own differences, with the different gifts and abilities and their own limitations. Every human being as a precious creature of God in its uniqueness.

By the way, can you tell me ?

Work Aid Spring 2004. Listening, being able to respond to conversation partners, react sensitively – these are the skills that distinguish employees in the visit service. Sometimes the visiting service is simply asked by the visitors for information about the offers in the parish service. Visiting service workers are the only personal contact with the church for many church members. Therefore, it is important that the visit service can provide information or know where to get relevant information.

se > Arbeitshilfe Spring 2008. It is not the visitors but the employees who are the focus of this work aid. What does it carry, from what source do you draw hope? What images of hope in the Bible are important to them? What can they do if they feel powerless and hopeless in the face of the visits themselves? These questions play an essential role in this paper. Because the visits of the employees in the visit service are often exhausting. Employees often feel the expectation of giving comfort and hope, and wonder how they can live up to that expectation. It is all the more important that visiting service staff are aware of the sources from which they derive hope.

Not as I want, but as you like? -.

Arbeitshiilfe spring 2009. I might have liked it, but I did not dare to. – Karl Valentin. Whether directly or inconspicuously, employees in the visiting service are confronted with expressions of will when they visit in very different ways. They feel and see themselves on the side of the visited, they feel uncomfortable or they feel strong resistance in contact with such utterances – even the reactions are quite different. The work aid wants the employees through several steps – starting from their own experiences, by meeting with "wills", small exercises, information on the subject, to biblical impulses – to lead to an appropriate and differentiated attitude towards and dealing with expression of will.

Criticism of the church

"The pastor probably does not do anything anymore" An employee was greeted on a birthday visit. A clear criticism of the pastor personally, but also of the church, now volunteers "unleashing".

Church close up – The bridge function of the.

Work Aid Fall 2004. Visiting service does not just have to address those in need of care. Visits can also be seen from the point of view of establishing contact and cultivating contacts with church members. The Visitor of the parish is often the only personal contact that distanced church members get to church. The importance of this aspect should be made more visible to visiting services through this working aid.

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