What causes circulatory disorders, kallmeyer naturheilpraxis

What causes circulatory disorders, kallmeyer naturheilpraxis

What about circulatory disorders?

Circulatory disorders can occur throughout the body. They lead to a lack of supply of the affected tissue. In particular, the lack of oxygen is critical, but also the supply of minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

But as well as the supply, the disposal is disturbed. Metabolic end products, so-called slags, which are also toxic to the body, are only badly transported away and have to be stored. The tissue and the whole body acidify. This, of course, further aggravates the situation of the affected tissue. It is a doom-loop.

Causes for circulatory disorders varied

The causes for this are manifold. Long-term elevated blood sugar can cause this condition as well as smoking, bad diet or heavy metals.
The most common cause, however, is the years of smoking. Nicotine is a cytotoxin that destroys the cells and therefore also the arteries. In fact, a circulatory disorder means that the body’s supply options are limited or dried up by years of sedimentation.

Clinical stages

The circulatory disorders can occur anywhere. About 90% of the legs are in the legs. The clinically distinguishable stages are therefore based primarily on the condition of the legs. 4 stages are distinguished:

  • Stage I circulatory disorder without discomfort:

The circulation is reduced but with no or only mild discomfort. Due to the lack of symptoms, the disease is usually not recognized and can only be diagnosed by a targeted examination

  • Stage II pain when walking (Claudicatio intermittens)

When walking for a certain distance spasmodic pain or a tingling sensation in the calves. After a short break, it quickly comes to a complete disappearance of the symptoms. Clinically, this is called intermittent claudication (= interrupted limping). In the vernacular is also spoken of the Schaufenstiesterheit. The body regions, especially the muscles, behind the vasoconstriction will no longer be sufficiently supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Hence the pain.

  • Stage III pain at rest

If the oxygen supply of the muscles and the skin is further restricted, pain also occurs in peace, which is particularly disturbing at night. The skin of the affected legs and feet changes visibly and palpably. As a sign of diminished blood flow, the skin becomes white, colorless and partially show map-like, shiny redness.

At this stage, the affected foot, forefoot or lower leg is at risk of amputation. Due to the lack of blood circulation and wound healing is disturbed. There are poorly healing ulcers. The patient has little pain in the affected areas of the body, his sensations are greatly reduced, which is due to the reduced supply of oxygen and nutrients to the nerves.

Natural remedies offer good alternative

The whole is an ongoing process. For a long time medical school tries to dilate the vessels with balloon catheters. However, due to the progressive nature of this disease, this only has one – often – short time.

Naturopathy has very good procedures here, the conventional medicine – in my personal opinion – are clearly superior; especially when combined with each other. Of course, this can not be generalized and is always to be assessed individually!

What are you doing for or against your circulatory disorders??

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