What does child poverty mean? Child poverty in bonn

Child poverty: Children particularly affected by poverty

German children and young people spent 19.5 billion euros in 2007: on sweets and fast food, on their cell phones, on CDs and going to the cinema. On average, the children have almost 27 euros in pocket money at their disposal. There are also cash gifts for Christmas, for a birthday and for some of the children also for Easter. They add up to 189 euros a year. The youngest in our society have never been as rich as they are today. On the other hand, there is a steadily growing number of children who live on Hartz IV and have to make ends meet with just over EUR 200 a month. That is not even enough money to ensure a healthy diet.

Two million poor children

1.92 million children and adolescents under the age of 18 are currently receiving SGB II benefits or their parents. Since January 1, 2016, these children and adolescents have a monthly allowance of EUR 237 (0-6 years), EUR 270 (6-14 years) or EUR 306 (14-18 years). 2.56 euros per day are provided for meals. Given the current number of refugees, it can be assumed that this number will increase. Children are the most poverty-stricken group in our society today. Children of the unemployed, single parents and migrants are particularly at risk.

Relative poverty or absolute poverty?

When child poverty is mentioned in Germany, in most cases there is relative poverty. In contrast to children in developing countries, some of whom have to live in absolute poverty, young people in Germany are not directly threatened in their existence. Child poverty in Germany generally has many faces: children come to school with seasonally inappropriate clothing or without breakfast. They cannot attend lunch in the school canteen because their parents themselves are low additional Can’t raise sums. You can’t celebrate a birthday. They lack money for school supplies, tutoring and school trips. They live with their families in apartments that are too small, often in disadvantaged areas.

Poverty factor lack of education

Educational poverty is often associated with financial poverty. Children from disadvantaged families generally have a lower chance of good education and are more likely to suffer from language and communication deficits. Parents cannot support their children, either due to a lack of time or due to a lack of education. Poor children are more likely to have to repeat a class. Poor children are often asked to finish school as early as possible in order to earn money themselves.

Health deficits

Children from disadvantaged families are more likely to suffer health problems than children from wealthy families. They are more likely to have bad teeth and more susceptible to chronic diseases. Because poor people tend to eat poorer than wealthy people, poor children are more likely to be overweight. They also suffer from behavioral problems and emotional instability more often.

No money for culture

The Hartz IV rule set is for cultural events no Budget provided. Since there are only a few free cultural offers, poor children are largely excluded from participation even in the cultural field. Cinema and theater visits and learning an instrument are generally not financially viable. These children therefore have fewer opportunities to try out, discover and promote their talents. Funds from the education and participation pact of the federal government are scarcely accessed. The bureaucratic effort for everyone involved is overwhelming.

Lack of participation

Poverty leads to disturbances in participation in social life. Disruptions in participation lead to poor contacts, the lack of networks, and finally social withdrawal. Poor children are therefore less likely to have a happy and successful future. Instead, they run the risk of falling into a vicious circle of child poverty that they cannot escape without outside help. They often pass on their own lack of opportunity to their children.

"States parties recognize the right of every child to a standard of living appropriate to their physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development."
(UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 27)

Portal of the Federal Government’s Poverty and Wealth Report

The data on which the poverty and wealth reporting is based is accessible on this portal, and a Given an overview of the measurement parameters used – the so-called indicators. This is an intensive exchange of all interested parties, such as Representatives from science, charities, churches, social partners and other institutions, possible (more …)

The proportion of minors in needs groups with minimum security benefits (usually SGB II benefits) in Bonn is between 15.5 and 20.9%.
(As of year-end 2014, source: Social Report NRW 2016)

Culture free of charge

Children and teenagers can borrow books from the children’s and youth department free of charge in the Bonn City Library. The library also offers free internet courses and a summer reading club during the summer holidays. (more…)


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