When should i go to the doctor with a fever?

When should I go to the doctor with a fever?


Fever is usually a symptomatic symptom of a vital infection and is characterized by an increase in temperature. Different boundaries are drawn for children and adults. While fever is spoken of in adults from a temperature of 38.3 degrees Celcius, the limit value for newborns is already 37.8 degrees Celcius. To clarify the question of when exactly I should introduce myself to a doctor with a fever, there are several basic rules.

When should I go to the doctor with a fever?

In order to be able to judge when you have to go to the doctor with a fever, you also evaluate the absolute measured temperature other factors as well Severity of symptoms and the General condition.

Common symptoms are headache, diarrhea (Fever and diarrhea), Painful urination or purulent discharge.

In infants up to and including the 3rd month of life one should from a body temperature of 38 degrees Celcius a pediatrician visit.

With small children one should, with one more than a day’s fever consult a doctor.

With older children, however, the question of when to go to the doctor with a fever is answered differently. The rough rule of thumb here is that the child Body temperature of 39 degrees Celcius or a fever that longer than three days exists or occurs again and again, should be examined by a doctor.

Adults should have a fever that longer than two or three days respectively. occurs again and again, to the doctor.

In addition to the current body temperature, it is always important to look at the temperature and the clinical symptoms.

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From an immunological point of view, it does not make sense to see a doctor with every fever and to lower the temperature with drug therapy. The elevated temperature can be very valuable for the body to fight the pathogens. The function of the fever is to accelerate the immune response. Infections can last longer, if you suppress the temperature rise with fever.

The decision making whether an antipyretic therapy should be initiated depends e.g. on also depends on which Pre-existing illness the affected person has. With an existing severe heart, kidney or lung disease, the fever can put a heavy burden on the organism, which is why an effective temperature reduction is more appropriate than in a patient without previous illnesses. In otherwise healthy patients who have a febrile episode after e.g. a respiratory infection with 39 degrees Celcius is usually advised to endure the fever for the reasons mentioned above.

Test three-day fever

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Answer to this 15 short questions.
Here you go directly to Test three-day fever

What can I do if I can’t go straight to the doctor??

There are different approaches that you can take for self-therapy if you have a fever if you can’t go straight to the doctor. One plays below balanced nutrition respectively.healthy eating an important role. Because the body needs a lot of energy for the increased function of the immune system. Easily digestible foods are for example fruits, vegetables, lettuce and chicken or vegetable broth.

In addition to adequate nutrition is extremely important, enough fluid to consume. Warm drinks such as herbal tea or rosehip tea are very suitable. But also Fruit juices containing vitamin C. have a positive impact on fever. The need for fluid is significantly increased in a feverish state. Therefore, it is important to ensure adequate hydration, especially in newborns and small children.

The body needs a lot of energy to fight the pathogen, which should not be removed by other activities. Therefore should be on No work or sport become. The best recipe here is a lot for the body Quiet to give. It is best to stay in bed for most of the illness phase.

at chills you can bring warmth to your body in the form of warm clothes or blankets. With chills, the body freezes due to a setpoint adjustment of the body temperature in the hypothalamus. Since the setpoint increases and thereby indicates that the current body temperature is too low, you freeze.

The important thing is body temperature at close intervals of about half an hour to measure. The rectal method is the most accurate of all. The continuous measurement shows whether the fever is rising or is already falling again. If there is a very high fever, however, a doctor should usually be consulted.

Read more about: How to measure fever?

A proven one Home remedies for fever are cold calf wraps against fever, to extract heat from the body. When used effectively with cold water, the body temperature can be reduced by about 1-2 degrees Celsius.

A so-called full bath be performed. Here, warm water is let into the bathtub, which is only a few degrees Celsius than the body temperature. Then lie down in the bathtub and let cold water in for 10-15 minutes, so that it drops to a temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius.

Medicines that do not require a prescription are also available in the pharmacy. Among them you count both differently teas (such as. chamomile or linden blossom) as well as painkillers such as the ASS. Also the pain and antipyretic drug paracetamol is available over the counter in the pharmacy.

Read more about: How to lower a fever?

When should I see a doctor with a fever during pregnancy?

easy Fever in pregnancy with a temperature below 38 degrees Celcius is generally unproblematic. Even a mild infection (e.g. respiratory infection) with a fever during pregnancy usually presents an unproblematic picture.

When the temperature rises to values over 38 degrees Celcius can however be a acute danger to the child out. Therefore, a clinical examination with a doctor followed by drug therapy should be carried out. When using Medication during pregnancy certain contraindications and the specific dose for pregnant women must be considered. paracetamol e.g. can be taken during pregnancy, but should not be taken carelessly for several days or weeks. Certain home remedies how Wadenwickel etc. can also prevent the fever from rising further.

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What kind of fever should I take to the doctor with my baby??

The immune system of adolescent children must first develop over time by coming into contact with pathogens entering the body. Therefore are febrile infections in children significantly more common than in adults. The normal temperature in the child is between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius.

Read more about: Cold in the baby

From 38.5 degrees Celcius the child has a fever. From temperatures over 40 degrees Celcius can they organ systems of the child damaged why a doctor should be consulted urgently and the child should be treated. Symptoms that indicate fever in the child are e.g. a warm, flushed face. The skin of the body, however, is usually cool and pale. In addition, anorexia and poor drinking can be noticed. The eyes usually look tired. Overall, a change in behavior with lethargy and listlessness can occur. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms of febrile infections in children.

A doctor should be consulted if that Fever persists for more than a day or this despite the calf wrap and suppository does not sink. Even the appearance of febrile seizures is a reason to visit a doctor.

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Your child has had a vaccination suddenly get a fever and don’t know if you should see a doctor?
Answer to this 8 short questions and find out whether your child is at increased risk of a complicated course of fever after vaccination.
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