With the blessing from rome

With the blessing from rome

To the 10. For the first time, there will be demonstrations against abortion and active euthanasia at the "March for Life" in Berlin on Saturday. The initiators are pleased to receive a letter of greeting from Pope Francis and support u.a. by Reinhard Cardinal Marx.

The President of the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, has encouraged Catholics to take a public stand for the protection of life and the dignity of the human person. On the occasion of this year's "March for Life" action in Berlin on Saturday, Marx said Thursday in Bonn that participants are giving "a conspicuous sign of our conviction that human life is always and everywhere under a special protection". Performance and health indicators should not be a measure of a person's dignity, "regardless of whether he or she has not yet been born, whether he or she is smart, intelligent and high-performing or sick, disabled and decrepit".

At the "March for Life" is demonstrated against abortion and active euthanasia. "Particularly against the background of the initiative of the government factions in the German Bundestag, which seek to make all organized forms of assisted suicide a punishable offense, the German Bishops' Conference will also increasingly address the ies of the protection of life, especially at the end of life, in an action program 'Dying with Dignity' in the coming months," the cardinal wrote in his greeting.

The "March for Life" has been organized annually by the Bundesverband Lebensrecht since 2009. Once again, several thousand Christians from all over Germany are expected to attend the event. Kick-off is in front of the Federal Chancellery, later an ecumenical service is planned. As in previous years, counter-rallies are also planned, including one in front of the Brandenburg Gate by a "Sexual Self-Determination Alliance".

Prominent supporters

For their march the organizers already received greetings of prominent church representatives. In a letter from the Vatican, Pope Francis called for "the culture of life to continue to have a home in Germany". Literally, the letter says: "Gladly, His Holiness connects with the participants and sends them warm greetings."

The Prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, praised the march as a "courageous testimony". Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke of Eichstatt thanked "for the powerful sign". The new archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, and Augsburg Bishop Konrad Zdarsa also expressed their support.

Critics also call for protests against the march on Saturday and accuse the abortion opponents of religious fundamentalism. An "alliance for sexual self-determination" invites to a counter-rally at the Brandenburg Gate.

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Christina Cherry
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