6 tips for driving in high temperatures

It's almost September, but the heat is still unrelenting and turns us into couch potatoes. In such cases, you just want to take your car and drive to the beach to enjoy the sea, like our friends in Malaga, Mallorca, Alicante and Valencia do. But it is important to know how to drive in extreme heat. If you're traveling with Wiber, we'll check the car for you, but it's still not a bad idea to practice driving beforehand so you don't get a scare on vacation.

1. Check your car thoroughly before you leave

If the outside thermometer shows at least 39 ºC, you should know that your car parked in the same sun can reach up to 70 ºC inside, because in just 2 hours without air circulation, the temperature of the car can rise up to 88. That's why it's important to put up a sunshade or park in the shade. Also, in the summer, due to excessive use of air conditioning, the air conditioning ducts can be damaged and leaks can occur, or even the thermostat can break down. In the same way, the alternator works harder than usual due to the high demands of the engine cooling system. Before a long trip, you should check both of them, because the electric fan of the cooling system can overload and break in summer. Tires also wear more than usual as the heat from the pavement burns them off. So before a long drive, check that they are not close to the wear limit.

2. Ventilate the car properly

It is recommended that the inside temperature of the car and the outside temperature should be as similar as possible. Therefore, it is a good idea to stop for a few minutes with the windows down or even the doors open before driving off, so that the car can be properly ventilated. You should also do this when you turn on the air conditioning, as this helps to move the hot air out of the interior of the vehicle. You should also air the car from time to time while driving, making sure that no arms, legs or heads of your fellow passengers are sticking out of the windows. Of course, keep your windows closed while driving to avoid skyrocketing fuel economy and letting in insects that could distract you. As for the temperature, the air conditioning should be between 22 ºC and 24 ºC to avoid heat stroke or discomfort due to the change in temperature. Also remember that air should not hit your face or chest directly.

3. Avoid the hottest times of the day

Heat can affect the hypothalamus and cause problems such as fatigue, drowsiness, aggressiveness, fatigue, and decreased alertness and concentration. For this reason, if possible, we recommend avoiding car trips between 12 a.m. and midnight, as this is the time when the heat is highest. Try to drive during the hours when it is still light but in the early morning or late evening to avoid the risk of heat and accidents.

4. Drink enough and wear comfortable clothes

Always have fresh drinks such as water or juice in the car and try to drink regularly to maintain fluid balance. This will help you avoid getting dehydrated and having to make an emergency stop because you feel sick when driving during the hottest part of the day. It is also important not to wear sandals or flip-flops as they can slip off your feet and get caught on the pedals of the car. It is better to wear something comfortable like sneakers. Choose comfortable and loose-fitting clothing, preferably in light colors so you don't absorb extra heat. Remember that you must drive fully clothed, not with your bathing suit, to comply with the law and to avoid rubbing against the seat belt. And of course, don't forget your approved sunglasses!

5. Eat light and avoid alcohol

Before the trip or during the stops, it is better to have a light meal, z. B. Fruit or a salad, as heavy meals cause your body to focus only on your stomach, making you sleepy and affecting your concentration and reflexes. It's not a bad idea to have some salty snacks with you to avoid a possible drop in blood pressure or heat stroke. And don't forget: Avoid alcohol.

6. Stay well rested

Remember to take a shower every 2 hours or so. take a 20-minute break every 200 km, or even when you just feel tired. It is important to take these breaks to move your body a bit, as it might have become stiff after a long drive, also you can use these breaks to drink something fresh. Remember that if you want to be less tired from driving, you must adopt the correct position at the steering wheel: with your eyes in the center of the windshield, your knees slightly bent when you push through the pedals, your seat at a 90º – 110º angle and both hands on the steering wheel. We've told you before, but we'll repeat it again: when you stop, leave your car in the shade or, if that's not possible, put up your parasol, because this will allow you to keep the inside temperature lower by about 15º.

These are the six tips we would like to share with you at Wiber from our experience with thousands of vehicles. We hope they will help you on your next ride in the scorching heat of summer. On the other hand, if you find yourself in a cold shower, we recommend our post with tips on driving in the rain that will help you drive more safely. Remember that all cars at Wiber Rent a Car have been thoroughly checked beforehand, so you can drive off worry-free in any weather.

As we say goodbye, we would like to leave you with one last recommendation: Remember to check traffic conditions and weather before you start your trip to avoid surprises, and remember: it's better to arrive late at your destination than not at all.