5 Tips for the Perfect Canoe Camping Trip

5 Tips for the Perfect Canoe Camping Trip

Canoe camping is an amazing activity to try out anytime. However, it requires preparation that is slightly more thorough than average. We’ve got you covered! Here are 5 tips to make the most out of your next adventure.

1. Decide where you’d like to go

This is the first thing to do before you venture out on this type of getaway.

Step one? Assess the group’s physical abilities.

By setting the time of year to go, the duration of your adventure, as well as travel distances, everyone in your group can enjoy the expedition fully.

Canoe on a peaceful lake

2. Choose the right equipment

For your first trip, renting a canoe is a good alternative to buying one. Most national parks rent out boats that are well suited for first trips.

Life jackets

Having your own life jacket however, is a big advantage! A jacket suitable for water sports will give you more freedom of movement and better comfort than a rental jacket.

Several options are available: jackets with pockets, knife holders, colourful options, different styles, and even kids’ life jackets.

Remember – safety first! Wear your life jacket at all times.

Dry bags

To transport your equipment, you will also need dry bags or barrel packs. Barrel packs are very practical, easy to assemble, and they are perfect to place food safely away from animals.

Whistles and GPSes

Other tools you might like to bring along are: a whistle, and a compass and/or GPS. In case of danger, you can signal your position, find your way back on track easily, and feel entirely safe and secure knowing you’re ready in case anything should happen.

3. Select the right materials

To set up camp, whether you are staying for one or several nights, a two or three-person tent is suggested. Larger tents are difficult to place in a barrel pack.

A good tent will let you sleep dry while a sleeping bag and mattress will give you the necessary heat for a good night’s rest. Make sure they are adaptable to the temperatures that you will face during your adventure.

Choose synthetic materials for your sleeping bag, as they require less maintenance and stay warm even when wet.

4. A well-dressed canoeist = a happy canoeist

Choose light sweaters with sun protection (rashguard) and pants to avoid sunburn and insect bites.

Do not forget your warm clothes for the cool evenings and nights.

Again, choose synthetic materials that will dry faster. Chances are pretty good that they will become wet at one time or another!

And don’t forget a headlamp! It’s handy if you arrive right at daybreak.

5. A little luxury

Paddling all day doesn’t give you the luxury of sitting back, so take along a small size chair to help support your back. And finally, read up on our camp cookout recommendations – and enjoy a delectable meal after a beautiful day out in nature.

Happy canoe camping!

Also available in: French

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